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Vendor Registration

Telephone: 901.202.0855 ext. #2255                                                   Fax: 901.347.1521

Companies interested in being placed on an approved vendor list must submit (by email, fax, or mail) the attached completed BID REQUEST AND INFORMATION FORM-BARTLETT, completed NIGP COMMODITY CODE LIST, and completed W-9-BARTLETT FORM.

If you prefer an application through the mail, please contact Karen Grisham at 901.202.0855, ext. #2255 or via email at When submitting your request, please include your company name, contact person, telephone number, email address, fax number, and complete mailing address.

Please note, to be placed on our mailing list for future bids you must complete and return the completed BID REQUEST AND INFORMATION FORM-BARTLETT, the completed NIGP COMMODITY CODE LIST, and a completed W-9-BARTLETT FORM. Please see PDF Files below.

Bartlett City Schools has adopted The National Institute of Governmental Purchasing, Inc. (NIGP) Commodity/Service Code listing as the means by which we classify all vendors and contractors in our files. If your company has been certified by the Uniform Certification Agency as a minority and/or woman-owned business enterprise, please indicate by listing your certification number.

The Municipal School Districts encourage qualified minority and/or women-owned businesses to submit bids. The Municipal Districts award bids without regard to race, age, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability or genetic information or any other classification protected by federal, Tennessee state constitutional, or statutory law.

Bartlett City Schools preferred method of payment is via a virtual P-card.

Bartlett City Schools offer educational and employment opportunities without regard to race, age, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability or genetic information or any other classification protected by federal, Tennessee state constitutional, or statutory law.

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