3rd Grade

ELA Week 3
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Have your child listen to The Case of the Missing Carrot Cake by Robin Newman through Storyline Online.
Student Instructions
After listening to The Case of the Missing Carrot Cake, you will answer the following prompt.
Your favorite snack is missing from your lunchbox. What happened?
To share your response, log into your SeeSaw through Clever and click the green plus sign to add a note which will allow you to type and post your response to your teacher.
Remember, YOU are the narrator. Your writing must include important characters, dialogue, and describe the actions, thoughts, & feelings of those characters. Be sure that the events are properly sequenced and provide a sense of closure.
Learning Opportunity Objective
3.W.TTP.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using an effective technique, such as descriptive details and clear event sequences.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Log into your IXL account.
Select Language Arts.
Choose Third Grade.
Complete Text Structure D.1
Student Instructions
Log into your IXL account.
Select Language Arts.
Choose Third Grade.
Complete Text Structure D.1
Learning Opportunity Objective
Determine the order of events in informational texts
Popsicles and Buzzing Bees Passages
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Your student should read both passages, "Popsicles" and "Buzzing Bees". and answer the questions in complete sentences.
Student Instructions
Read " Popsicles" and "Buzzing Bees" and answer the questions about the passage.
Learning Opportunity Objective
3.RI.KID.1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as a basis for the answers.
Math Week 3
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Start with the Ordering Fractions on a Number Line Game. 
Click on the link, and click Present.
Students should start with Level 1 and progress through the game. It will give them feedback as they progress.
Levels 4 and 5 are a challenge! 
Students can also complete the practice worksheets for either enrichment or extra reviews. The answer keys are also attached with each PDF.
Student Instructions
Start with the Ordering Fractions on a Number Line Game. 
Click on the link, and click Present.
Start with Level 1 and progress through the game. It will give you feedback as they progress.
Levels 4 and 5 are a challenge! 
You can also complete the practice worksheets for either enrichment or extra reviews. The answer keys are also attached with each PDF.
Learning Opportunity Objective
3.NF.A.1-3 Develop understanding of fractions as numbers.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
You will need to create a free BrainPop account if you have not already done so.

1. Watch each of the Brain Pop videos.
2. Can complete the online quiz.
3. There are several other activities you could do: Make a Map, Make a Movie, Creative Coding, Related Reading, Vocabulary, and Games.
4. Complete properties of addition worksheet.
Student Instructions
Have your parent help you login to BrainPop.
1. Watch each of the Brain Pop videos.
2. Can complete the online quiz.
3. There are several other activities you could do: Make a Map, Make a Movie, Creative Coding, Related Reading, Vocabulary, and Games.
4. Complete properties of addition worksheet.
Learning Opportunity Objective
I can use the Commutative and Associative Properties of Addition to add more than two addends
Math Spiral Review
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Print or load pdf for students to complete.
The students may SKIP Wednesday #3 if it hasn't been taught by their teacher, yet.
Student Instructions
Complete the problems daily or all at once. SKIP Wednesday #3 if your teacher hasn't taught this skill or challenge yourself.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Review skills: 3.NBT.A.3, 3.NBT.A.2, 3.OA.C.7, 3.MD.C.5; 3.MD.C.6; 3.MD.C.7.A-D, 3.OA.D.8, 3.OA.A.1-3, 3.OA.A.1-3, 3.NF.A.1 & 2, 3.OA.B.5 & 6, 3.G.A.2, 3.MD.D.8, 3.MD.B. and 3.NF.A.3.D.
Science Week 3
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Have your child watch the Mystery Science Lesson "What Makes Bridges so Strong". 
Complete the bridge challenge as an optional STEAM extension activity.
This challenge is created for multiple attempts to design and redesign a bridge prototype in order to simulate bridge engineering. The bridge designer's notebook can be printed off, or your child can answer the questions and sketch the drawings on notebook paper.
Feel free to modify the challenge if you do not have the needed materials.
Student Instructions
As you watch the Mystery Science Lesson "What Makes Bridges so Strong", think about the questions that Doug asks.
You have learned that forces can include invisible pushes and pulls all around you in the world. When you understand forces, you are able to do some surprising things, like build a bridge!
There is an optional STEAM challenge for you to design and test a bridge that you create using paper.
In the Mystery Science video, Doug reminds you that you want to fail. You want your bridge to collapse under the weight so that you can redesign and make improvements.
Learning Opportunity Objective
3ETS1.1 Design a solution to a real- world problem that includes specified criteria for constraints. Apply evidence or research to support a design solution.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
You will need to create a free Flocabulary account if you have not already done so.
Your child will listen to the video “Food Chain” video and complete the Vocabulary Cards, Vocabulary Game, Read & Respond, and Quiz.
Student Instructions
Log into Flocabulary and listen to the video “Food Chain” video and complete the Vocabulary Cards, Vocabulary Game, Read & Respond, and Quiz.
Learning Opportunity Objective
3.LS4.1 – Explain the cause and effect relationship between a naturally changing environment and an organism’s ability to survive
3.LS2.1 – Construct an argument to explain why some animals benefit from forming groups.
Magnets and IXL
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Your student should read the passage about magnets.
You can print the questions that go with the passage to be answered, or have them do it on paper.
Log into your IXL account.
Select Science
Choose Third Grade
Complete Magnets I.
Student Instructions
You should read the passage about magnets.
Then you can print the questions that go with the passage to be answered, or do it on paper.
Log into your IXL account.
Select Science
Choose Third Grade
Complete Magnets I.
Learning Opportunity Objective
3.PS2.1 Explain the cause and effect relationship of magnets.
Explore other optional learning opportunites on Magnets on Flocabulary or BrainPOP Jr.
Social Studies Week 3
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
MyOn and IXL
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Login to Clever.
Select Myon
Read the book "Expanding A Nation, Cause and Effects of the Louisiana Purchase" by Elizabeth Raum.
On page 23 of the book, your child will find a time line of states joining the Union.
Create a time line starting from 1812-1912. Use paper from around your home. Ask your child to be neat and place the states in order on the time line.
Log into your IXL account.
Select Social Studies.
Choose Fourth Grade (It is a 3rd grade skill).
Complete C.1 The Louisiana Purchase.
Student Instructions
Login to Clever.
Select Myon
Read the book "Expanding A Nation, Cause and Effects of the Louisiana Purchase" by Elizabeth Raum.
On page 23 of the book, you will find a time line of states joining the Union. Create a time line starting from 1812-1912. Use paper from around your home. Remember to be neat and place the states in order on the time line.

Log into your IXL account.
Select Social Studies.
Choose Fourth Grade (It is a 3rd grade skill).
Complete C.1 The Louisiana Purchase.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will understand the Louisiana Purchase. The student will create a time line.
Social Studies Weeky, Week 18
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Option 1: Use the PDF above to read and answer the question. You can complete the activities as well.
Option 2: Student will login into Clever with their Clever ID and password.
Select the Studies Weekly icon.
Make sure to select the 3rd Grade text.
Scroll down to "Week 18" and click Continue Reading.
You can read the text or listen to it as it reads it for you, and answer the questions.
After reading, the students should click the "watch video" button at the top of the article to watch the Trail of Tears video. Answer any questions available after the video.
After Social Studies Weekly:
Use the attached worksheet and discuss the directions with your student.
Students will write a letter to a Native American child during the time of the Trail of Tears following the directions on the attached worksheet. You may print or have students do this on another sheet of paper.
Student Instructions
Option 1: Use the PDF above to read and answer the question. You can complete the activities as well.
Option 2: Student will login into Clever with their Clever ID and password.
Select the Studies Weekly icon.
Make sure to select the 3rd Grade text.
Scroll down to "Week 18" and click Continue Reading.
You can read the text or listen to it as it reads it for you, and answer the questions.
After reading, the students should click the "watch video" button at the top of the article to watch the Trail of Tears video. Answer any questions available after the video.
After Social Studies Weekly:
Use the attached worksheet and discuss the directions with your student.
Students will write a letter to a Native American child during the time of the Trail of Tears following the directions on the attached worksheet. You may print or have students do this on another sheet of paper.
Learning Opportunity Objective
I can understand the effects of the Trail of Tears on Native Americans.
Optional: There are other articles available on Week 18 of Social Studies Weekly that students can read, watch videos about, and complete questions about pertaining to this time period in history.
Social Studies Weekly, Week 1
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Option 1: Use the PDF above to read and answer the question. You can complete the activities as well.

Option 2: Student will login into Clever with their Clever ID and password.
Select the Studies Weekly icon.
Make sure to select the 3rd Grade text.
Scroll down to "Week 1" and click Continue Reading.
You can read the text or listen to it as it reads it for you, and answer the questions.
Then complete "Think & Review " questions 1-6 on notebook paper. Either upload the answers to Seesaw or take a picture and email answers to homeroom teacher.
Student Instructions
Option 1: Use the PDF above to read and answer the question. You can complete the activities as well.

Option 2: Student will login into Clever with their Clever ID and password.
Select the Studies Weekly icon.
Make sure to select the 3rd Grade text.
Scroll down to "Week 1" and click Continue Reading.
You can read the text or listen to it as it reads it for you, and answer the questions.
Then complete "Think & Review " questions 1-6 on notebook paper. Either upload the answers to Seesaw or take a picture and email answers to homeroom teacher.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will learn about how Earth is divided into hemispheres by the equator and prime meridian. They will use key vocabulary terms such as latitude, longitude and time zones.