
ELA Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Print attached PDF (Find Letter Ee). Have your child identify letter Ee by dabbing or coloring them in. After finding all of the letter Ee's, ask your child to generate words that begin with letter Ee to stretch the lesson.
Student Instructions
Identify Letter Ee by dabbing or coloring them in on the worksheet. What are some words that begin with the letter Ee?
Learning Opportunity Objective
The learner will identify letter Ee and generate words that begin with the letter sound Ee.
Can you find an object in your house or outside that begins with letter Ee?
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Print attached PDF (Find Letter Ff). Have your child identify letter Ff by dabbing or coloring them in. After finding all of the letter Ff's, ask your child to generate words that begin with letter Ff to stretch the lesson.
Student Instructions
Identify Letter Ff by dabbing or coloring them in on the worksheet. What are some words that begin with the letter Ff?
Learning Opportunity Objective
The learner will identify letter Ff and generate words that begin with the letter sound Ff.
Can you find an object in your house or outside that begins with letter Ff?
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Print attached PDF (Find Letter Cc). Have your child identify letter Cc by dabbing or coloring them in. After finding all of the letter Cc's, ask your child to generate words that begin with letter Cc to stretch the lesson.
Student Instructions
Identify Letter Cc by dabbing or coloring them in on the worksheet. What are some words that begin with the letter Cc?
Learning Opportunity Objective
The learner will identify letter Cc and generate words that begin with the letter sound Cc.
Can you find an object in your house or outside that begins with letter Cc?
Math Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Parents will print the Playdoh Mat Number 7 PDF. Parents will help their child use playdoh to form the number 7 and place the playdoh on the outlined 7 on the mat. Parent will help child count to number 7 while they make 7 playdoh sprinkles to put on the cupcake. Parent will help child roll playdoh into balls to practice one-to-one-correspondence by placing them onto the provided ten frame.
Student Instructions
Parents will print the Playdoh Mat Number 7 PDF. Parents will help their child use playdoh to form the number 7 and place the playdoh on the outlined 7 on the mat. Parent will help child count to number 7 while they make 7 playdoh sprinkles to put on the cupcake. Parent will help child roll playdoh into balls to practice one-to-one-correspondence by placing them onto the provided ten frame.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The learner will have the opportunity to practice hands-on number recognition, counting, one-to-one correspondence and fine motor practice.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Parents will print the Playdoh Mat Number 8 PDF. Parents will help their child use playdoh to form the number 8 and place the playdoh on the outlined 8 on the mat. Parent will help child count to number 8 while they make 8 playdoh sprinkles to put on the cupcake. Parent will help child roll playdoh into balls to practice one-to-one-correspondence by placing them onto the provided ten frame.
Student Instructions
First, the learner will roll out playdoh to fit on the number 8 outline on the playdoh mat. Next, the learner will make and count 8 playdoh sprinkles to put on the cupcake. Finally, roll the playdoh into balls and use one-to-one- correspondence to count to eight (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) placing playdoh balls onto the provided ten frame.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The learner will have the opportunity to practice hands-on number recognition, counting, one-to-one correspondence and fine motor practice.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Parents will print the Playdoh Mat Number 9 PDF. Parents will help their child use playdoh to form the number 9 and place the playdoh on the outlined 9 on the mat. Parent will help child count to number 9 while they make 9 playdoh sprinkles to put on the cupcake. Parent will help child roll playdoh into balls to practice one-to-one-correspondence by placing them onto the provided ten frame.
Student Instructions
First, the learner will roll out playdoh to fit on the number 9 outline on the playdoh mat. Next, the learner will make and count 9 playdoh sprinkles to put on the cupcake. Finally, roll the playdoh into balls and use one-to-one- correspondence to count to nine (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) placing playdoh balls onto the provided ten frame.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The learner will have the opportunity to practice hands-on number recognition, counting, one-to-one correspondence and fine motor practice.
Science Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions

Listen to story. Discuss ways you can take care of the Earth. Draw and/or write about ways you can take care of the Earth.

Student Instructions
Listen to parent instructions.
Learning Opportunity Objective

Students will think of ways to take care of the earth for Earth Day.

File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Click on ReadyRosie and create a free account. 2. Click link and watch video
3. Gather materials for sink or float.
4. Practice with your child using vocabulary words sink, float, and buoyancy. 5. Have child discuss with you.
6. Extra practice draw 1 item that would sink or float.
7. Label.
Student Instructions
1. Watch video sink or float.
2. Practice with an adult items that will sink or float. 3. Can you draw an item and label? Sink or Float
4. Have fun!
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will learn about items that sink or float and expand vocabulary.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Parents should click on the YouTube link to watch:Butterfly World Field Trip. After watching the video talk about the 4 stages of a butterfly's life cycle. Parents may want to view and/or print the attached PDF template for the butterfly life cycle example. Help your child draw or create a representation of the butterfly's life cycle.
Student Instructions
Students should watch the YouTube link: Butterfly World Field Trip. After watching the video, create a representation of the butterflies life cycle. Students may draw pictures or use items around the house to represent each stage. ( for example pasta noodles, material construction paper etc)
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will have the opportunity to recognize the stages of a butterfly's life cycle.
Social Studies Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Parents, print off the provided PDF. If you can't print it off, you can pull it up on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Talk to your child about what makes them feel happy. Have them dictate the sentence as you write it. Have them draw a picture of a happy face. Do the same for what makes them sad.
Student Instructions
Students, talk with your parent or sibling about what makes you feel happy and what makes you feel sad. Have them write it down for you. You can attempt to sound out the words too! Draw a happy face and a sad face. Recognizing your feelings and being able to talk about them is very important!
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will talk about their feelings and what makes them happy or sad.
Build on this lesson by discussing other feelings, such as angry, jealous, shocked, etc...
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Parents, Pull up the provided PDF on your computer, tablet, or other device. Print it out if you can. If not, don’t worry, you can modify by talking about what good friends look like. Discuss with your child some things they can do to be a good friend. Have your child draw a picture of themselves and a friend or of themselves being a good friend. Let them dictate to you the sentence "I am a friend when...." have them finish the sentence and you can write what they say. Let them write any words they can on their own.
Student Instructions
Students talk to a parent or grandparent about what it means to be a good friend. Student will draw a picture of themselves being a good friend. Student will dictate a sentence starting with "I am a friend when I..." Ex: I am a friend when I share my toys.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will review what it means to be a good friend.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Create free account in Ready Rosie.
2. Find Video "I'm Thinking of an Animal" game or use the link.
3. Watch video and play game with your child.
4. Have child make guesses using describing words and vocabulary.
5. Practice taking turns and listening skills.
6. Have your child draw or write about a favorite animal.
Student Instructions
1. Watch the video with mom or dad.
2. Play game "I'm thinking of an Animal".
3. Draw or write about your favorite animal.
4. Did you take turns? Did you use your listening skills?
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will practice taking turns and listening to others.