
ELA Week 6
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Click the link to watch the YouTube video: Dinosaurs Love Underpants.
2. Print the PDF: Dinosaurs Love Underpants
3. Help your child decorate the underpants and dictate to you why they believe the dinosaurs would love them.
4. Encourage your child to listen for sounds they recognize as you write the words.
5. Additionally, print the PDF: Dino Initial Sounds.
6. Help your child identify the initial consonants for each picture. Parents may want to watch the ReadyRosie link (Recalling What Happens In a Story) before or after completing the activity. Directions to access the link are in the comments section.
Student Instructions
1. Watch the YouTube video: Dinosaurs Love Underpants
2. Create a pair of underpants you think dinosaurs would love.
3. Tell your parents why you believe the dinosaurs would love the underpants.
4. Listen for initial sounds & write the letters for each picture on the PDF: Dino Initial Sounds.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will have the opportunity to respond to literature and identify initial consonants.
1. Click on ReadyRosie and create a free account. 2. Click link
3. Watch video
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Print the PDF.
2. Read the dinosaur words to your child.
3. Help your child hear the natural break in the words as they clap each syllable. For example dinosaur would be 3 claps/syllables- Di-no-suar Parents may want to watch the ReadyRosie link before or after completing this activity. Directions to access the link are in the comments.
Student Instructions
1. Clap each word as a parent reads it. 2. Count how many claps/syllables the word has. 3. Mark the appropriate number indicating the number of syllables.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will begin to pronounce and identify syllables.
1. Click on the ReadyRosie link and create a free account. 2. Click link:
3. Watch the Video
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Click the YouTube link to watch Sesame Street Letter Q podcast
2. Print the PDFs
3. For Dot The Letter: Help your child identify all the letters on the PDF, Help your child circle all the Q
4. For See It, Find It, Read It Write It: Help your child to: identify Q and listen for the Q sound when saying each picture on the first row, color all Qq on the 2nd row, circle all Qq on the 3rd row and Write Qq on the 4th row.
Student Instructions
1. Dot the Letter Q: Find and circle all capital and lowercase letter Qq
2. See It, Find It, Read It, Write It: identify Q and listen for the Q sound when saying each picture on the first row, color all Qq on the 2nd row, circle all Qq on the 3rd row and Write Qq on the 4th row.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The students will have the opportunity to recognize, write and listen for the initial Q sound in words.
Math Week 6
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Print wksht
2. Help your child count the spikes on the dinosaur ( watch for 1-1 correspondence as they count the 10 spikes)
3. Guide your child into coloring some spikes red and some spikes blue
4. Follow up by saying statements like " 1 red spike plus 9 blue spikes makes 10 spikes" or "2 red spikes plus 8 blue spikes makes 10 spikes" **You may want to watch the ReadyRosie link before or after completing this activity. Directions to access the link are in the comments.
Student Instructions
1. Color some spikes on each dinosaur red
2. Color the remaining spikes blue.
3. See how many combinations of red and blue spikes you can create.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will have the opportunity to compose/decompose numbers.
1. Click on ReadyRosie and create a free account.
3. Watch the video
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Print the PDF
2. Help your child identify and trace the numbers
3. Help your child add more dots to each tens frame to equal the numbers
Parents may want to watch the ReadyRosie link before or after completing this activity. Directions to access the link are in the comments.
Student Instructions
1. Identify and trace the number
2. Count how many dots are already in the tens frame
3. Add more dots to each tens frame to equal the number.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will have an opportunity to recognize numbers and use a tens frame to represent the number.
1. Click on ReadyRosie and create a free account.
3. Watch video
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Print the attached PDF
2. Work with your child to identify the shapes.
3. Ask your child to describe the various shapes using words including: corners, sides, length, triangle, rectangle, circle, square.
Parents may want to watch the ReadyRosie link before or after completing this activity. Directions to access the link are in the comments.
Student Instructions
1. Identify the various shapes
2. Color all circles red, squares blue, rectangles green and triangles yellow.
3. Practice describing the shapes by using vocabulary including sides, corners, and length
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will have the opportunity to recognize and describe shapes.
1. Click on ReadyRosie and create a free account.
3. Watch video
Science Week 6
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Click on the YouTube link to watch the Dinosaur Field Trip
2. Gather materials for Chip-o-saurus Dinosaur Dig (attached PDF)
3. Help your child pretend to be a paleontologist.
4. Use words including fossil, excavate, paleontologist,
Student Instructions
1. Watch the Dinosaur Field Trip
2. Role play being a paleontologist by "digging up" the Chip-o-saurus dinosaur (using a toothpick and a q-tip try to remove as many chocolate chips from a cookie as you can)
3. Count how many you were able to "dig" up!
4. Have fun!
Learning Opportunity Objective
The students will role play a community helper, learn about fossils and expand vocabulary.
Materials needed include a q-tip, a toothpick, and a chocolate chip cookie.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Click the link to watch the BrainPopJr Fossils
2. When you are finished, choose "activity" at the bottom
3. Print the template and help your child a Wooly Mammoth.
Student Instructions
1. Click the link to watch the BrainPopJr Fossils
2. When you are finished, choose "activity" at the bottom to create your own Wooly Mammoth.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will have the opportunity to explore fossils and understand that living things change overtime.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Parents, Pull up the provided PDF on your computer, tablet, or other device. Print it out if you can. If not, don’t worry, you can modify by discussing what body part you use to smell things with. Have your child point to the items on the screen that you would be able to smell. See if they can name other things that they can smell.
Student Instructions
Point to or circle the items that you CAN smell.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will review the sense of smell
Social Studies Week 6
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Click the link to watch the YouTube video of We Don't Eat Our Classmates
2. Print the attached PDF or have paper available for your child to draw on.
3. Talk to your child about ways they can be a good friend.
Student Instructions
1. Watch the YouTube video of We Don't Eat Our Classmates
2. Respond to the story by drawing what you would look like as a dinosaur. Also, draw something you might do to be a good friend as a dinosaur.
3. Talk to your parents about ways to show others you care for them.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The students will identify ways to be a good friend.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Click the link for the YouTube video: How Do Dinosaurs Stay Friends
2.Talk to your child about ways they can be a friend
3. Print the attached PDF or use blank paper to draw a picture and write a note to a friend. *You may also want to watch the ReadyRosie video found in the comments section.
Student Instructions
1. Watch the YouTube video: How Do Dinosaurs Stay Friends
2. Talk about ways you can be a good friend.
3. Write a note or letter to a friend you are missing. Use vocabulary such as greeting, body and closing when writing the letter.
4. Ask a parent to mail it
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will talk about ways to be a good friend and expand vocabulary.
Additional videos on writing notes are available on ReadyRosie. To access that: 1. Click on ReadyRosie and create a free account. 2. Click link and watch video
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Parents should click on the YouTube link: The Grouchy Ladybug. Talk to your child about what makes them grumpy. Have them draw a picture of a time they were grumpy. Have them dictate a sentence as you write it on the page with their picture.
Student Instructions
Students should watch the YouTube link: The Grouchy Ladybug. Talk to your parents about a time you were grouchy. Draw a picture and dictate a sentence describing your picture. You may even want to sound words out!
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will have an opportunity to talk about their feelings.
Continue the learning by identifying and talking about your feelings.