2nd Grade

ELA Week 6
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Have your child log in MyOn through Clever.
2. Chose one nonfiction book to read about an animal.
3. Complete the graphic organizer about the animal.
4. Use the template to create a comic strip about the animal.
Use the INFO acronym.
I-introductions sentence
N - Name 3 facts
F - facts require supporting details.
O - Offer a conclusion
5. Take a picture of your comic strip and share with you teacher through Seesaw or email.
Student Instructions
1. Log in Myon through Clever.
2. Chose one nonfiction book to read about an animal.
3. Complete the graphic organizer about the animal.
4. Use the template to create a comic strip about the animal.
Use the INFO acronym.
I- introductions sentence
N - Name 3 facts
F - facts require supporting details.
O - Offer a conclusion
5. Take a picture of your comic strip and share with you teacher through Seesaw or email.
Learning Opportunity Objective
2.W.TTP.2 Write informative/explanatory texts
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Create a free account on BrainPop Jr.
Watch the video on I vs. Me.
They will then complete the worksheet on when to use I vs. me. There is an answer sheet attached for your convenience.

Choose any other of the Brain Pop activities to reinforce what you learned about I vs. Me. (Word Play, Draw about it, or Create a concept map, etc).
Student Instructions
Login to BrainPop.
Watch the BrainPop video on I vs. Me. When you are done complete the worksheet to show what you know.

Choose any other of the Brain Pop activities to reinforce what you learned about I vs. Me. (Word Play, Draw about it, or Create a concept map, etc).
Learning Opportunity Objective
I can identify the use of I vs. Me when writing sentences.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Your child should completely read and follow directions on page 1.
Page 2 is a writing form that can be printed if desired.
There is an option for students to view the story being read on YouTube. Instructions tell students to ask parents for permission to listen to the story. Listening to the story is NOT essential to be able to complete the writing activity.
A minimum of 4 sentences should be written to complete the assignment. There is a space for an illustration to accompany the writing.
Student Instructions
Read everything on page 1.
Ask a parent to help you if you need assistance, or if you want to listen to the story online. You do not have to listen to the story to be able to do the activity.
After reading the directions you will need to complete the writing activity. You may use notebook paper or you can print out page 2, which is a piece of writing paper with a space for an illustration at the bottom. Think before you write.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Write effectively using a prompt.
Math Week 6
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Go Math Personal Trainer
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Option 1: Complete the Flower Measurement PDF. 
Option 2: Login to Clever and select Go Math Personal Trainer. 
For a basic review, use the Course Based Assignment: Chapter 8, Lesson 4 Homework and/or Test and Quizzes. Complete the Flower Measurement PDF when you are done.
Student Instructions
Option 1: Complete the Flower Measurement PDF. 

Option 2: Login to Clever and select Go Math Personal Trainer. 
For a basic review, use the Course Based Assignment: Chapter 8, Lesson 4 Homework and/or Test and Quizzes.
Complete the Flower Measurement PDF when you are done.
Learning Opportunity Objective
I can use various tools to measure objects
Math Choice Board and IXL
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Choose at least 3 activities to work on from the Math Choice Board. Your child can always do more than 3 activities, they are great for review. 
1. Log into your IXL account.
2. Select Math.
3. Choose Second Grade.
4. Complete subtraction - one digit F 1-15.

Student Instructions
Choose at least 3 activities to work on from the Math Choice Board. You can always do more than 3 activities, they are great for review. 

1. Log into your IXL account.
2. Select Math.
3. Choose Second Grade.
4. Complete subtraction - one digit F 1-15.
Learning Opportunity Objective
2.NBT.A.1, 2.NBT.B.5, 2.NBT.B.7
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1) Watch the Khan Academy video to review money.
2) Have a set of coins and practice counting the total amounts with your child
3) Have your child complete the two word problem challenges.
For further practice:
1. Log into your IXL account.
2. Select Math.
3. Choose Second Grade.
4. Complete money P 1-22.
Student Instructions
1) Watch the Khan Academy video to review money
2) Complete the two money word problem challenges
3) Explain your thinking to your grown up
For further practice:
1. Log into your IXL account.
2. Select Math.
3. Choose Second Grade.
4. Complete money P 1-22.
Learning Opportunity Objective
2.MD.C.8 Solve contextual problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies using cent and dollar symbols appropriately.
Science Week 6
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Studies Weekly #14
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Select the Studies Weekly #14 Habitats PDF
1. Listen to your child read the Studies Weekly Life Science Habitats Booklet
2. Pause to discuss parts article throughout with your child to extend learning or answer questions.
3. Ask your child to name other plants or animals that might live in the habitats discussed within this booklet.
4. Guide your child to answer the Look & Learn section of the Studies Weekly.
5. After reading, have your child take the Habitats quiz located on a second PDF file. Review the answers for accuracy.
6. After the quiz, have your child write about what they have learned. (1 paragraph – at least 5 sentences: intro, 3 details, and closing sentence)
7. Take a picture of your paragraph and post it to Seesaw for your teacher to see.
Student Instructions
Have a parent help you select the Studies Weekly #14 Habitats PDF
1. Read the Studies Weekly Life Science Habitats Booklet
2. Pause to discuss parts article throughout with your parent to extend learning or answer questions.
3. Name other plants or animals that might live in the habitats discussed within this booklet.
4. Answer the Look & Learn section of the Studies Weekly.
5. After reading, take the Habitats quiz located on a second PDF file. Review the answers for accuracy.
6. After the quiz, write about what you have learned. (1 paragraph – at least 5 sentences: intro, 3 details, and closing sentence)
7. Take a picture of your paragraph and post it to Seesaw for your teacher to see.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Ecosystems 2.LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics
1) Develop and use models to compare how animals depend on their surroundings and other living things to meet their needs in the places they live.
2) Predict what happens to animals when the environment changes (temperature, cutting down trees, wildfires, pollution, salinity, drought, land preservation).
Extend your learning by choosing one or all of the activities.
1. Complete the Do & Learn Science Lab activity at the end of the Studies Weekly booklet.
2. Take a nature walk. What things do you see in your ecosystem? What plants do you see? What kinds of animals can you observe? What water sources do you see that could be available for some of the animals? What kind of shelters do you see? Predict what might happen if there were changes in the environment (temperature change, pollution, drought).
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Have your child review biomes using the scholastic lesson. Click the play button to watch the video. Click the test button to test your knowledge when you are done.
They will then use the information learned to complete the lap book/fill in the blank sheet.
Student Instructions
Complete the scholastic lesson on biomes. Click the play button to watch the video. Click the test button to test your knowledge when you are done.
Then show what you know on the lap book/fill in the blank page.
Learning Opportunity Objective
I can identify different biomes
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Login to Clever and THEN click on the link for the video.
Have your student watch the Discovery Education video Breaking Trail: Alaskan Tundra Wolves.

Write 2 sentences and send to your teacher on Seesaw with what you learned about wolves.
Student Instructions
Login to Clever and THEN click on the link for the video.
Have your student watch the Discovery Education video Breaking Trail: Alaskan Tundra Wolves.

Write 2 sentences and send to your teacher on Seesaw with what you learned about wolves.
Learning Opportunity Objective
2.LS2 or 2.02
Social Studies Week 6
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Log into your Epic account. Search for a great American that you would like to do a report on.
Print out the report packet or write on a separate sheet of paper.
Share your work with your teacher on Seesaw.
Student Instructions
Log into your Epic account. Search for a great American that you would like to do a report on.

Print out the report packet or write on a separate sheet of paper.

Share your work with your teacher on Seesaw or through email.
Learning Opportunity Objective
TLW describe a great American
Extend your learning with any lesson in 2nd Grade IXL Section B!
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Have your child watch the YouTube video to review the book, The Wolves Are Back.
They will then use the attached pdf and links provided to take a virtual field trip of Yellowstone National Park.
Student Instructions
Watch the video to review the book The Wolves Are Back. Use the worksheet to take a virtual tour of Yellowstone National Park.
Learning Opportunity Objective
I can identify new details about Yellowstone National Park.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Using the Distance Education videos link, choose a virtual field trip to watch, or pick several! 
Complete the Yellowstone graphic organizer to create a travel poster.
Share your work with your teacher on Seesaw.
Student Instructions
Using the Distance Education videos link, choose a virtual field trip to watch, or pick several! 

Complete the Yellowstone graphic organizer to create a travel poster.

Share your work with your teacher on Seesaw.
Learning Opportunity Objective
TLW describe Yellowstone National Park