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SchoolCash Online

We are excited to announce the launch of SchoolCash Online, an online payment system that allows parents to pay for student fees and various school items. SchoolCash Online is now our preferred method of payment moving forward (school nutrition online payments will continue with Titan). 

SchoolCash Online is a free tool that helps parents and families pay school-related fees safely, quickly, and easily. Teachers and coaches, who have field trips, pizza days, athletic fees, or any other items for students to purchase, will be able to post them on SchoolCash Online for parents to see and make their payment. By using SchoolCash Online, with no fee for you, you help increase efficiency and security for your child and their school. This also allows your child’s school to save considerable time when planning, processing, and handling cash payments. No more collecting checks and counting cash! Registered parents will also receive a notification when any item becomes available for purchase for their child.

Our site is now live and ready for you to register! Registration takes less than two minutes by visiting and clicking Register to get started. If you encounter any difficulties, please contact the SchoolCash Online parent help desk by visiting

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