Instructional Technology
Bartlett City Schools acknowledges that to work, learn, and function successfully in a technological society, teachers and students must be empowered with the skills to use technology effectively. The District further understands that technology includes more than computers. Technology involves interactive devices, digital and video cameras, student response systems, handheld computers, cell phones, and other tools still in development. The District believes that ongoing and sustained staff development is imperative to equip teachers and administrators with the skills needed to challenge technology savvy students and to prepare them for success in a global economy.
Bartlett City Schools promotes technology to complement and enhance successful teaching methods. Technology must become an embedded component of a challenging District and State academic curriculum. Administrators and teachers must work to create a technology environment in which students solve problems, accomplish tasks, and improve academic achievement.
In addition, Bartlett City Schools believes that technology is essential to effective communication. From useful and relevant websites to email to stakeholder callout and texting to a gradebook portal; the use of technology enhances the flow of information so parents, the community, and staff are informed of the information necessary to stay aware and are active participants in the District.
Finally, Bartlett City Schools believes that a proper Infrastructure, Business Information System, and Technical Support are the backbone of the entire District. Without a reliable high-speed network that enables the use of innovative instructional resources and accommodates the daily business of the District, none of this would be applicable. At a rate that grows continually, instructional content, resources and testing, as well as administrative functions constantly flow across the fiber and wires. The District believes it is vital that the network stays in optimal condition. Technology is also critical to the daily business functions and understands the importance of quality, user-friendly interfaces to accomplish these tasks. And to support it all is a team of professionals who help install and maintain the equipment, troubleshoot it when problems occur, and empower users with the knowledge and skills to help themselves in times of difficulty.
We stand ready to support our users in any way we can to make your job easier and technology use what is should be: a tool that enhances our work, makes us more productive, and contributes to the overall success of our students. Please use the links on the right side of this page to reach members of our staff and to obtain resources that we believe you will find helpful.