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9th-12th Instructional Resources

Resource Description Subject Area
Social Studies
History Channel American and World History resources from the History Channel. History
HyperHistory Over 3,000 files covering 3,000 years of World History in the following categories: people, history, events, and maps. History
The History Lab The History Lab is an online template where teachers can build primary-source based lessons and activities for use by their students and is free to teachers in grades K-12. History
Historic Maps High quality images of historic map documents that illustrate the geographical dimensions of American history. Each map is accompanied by lesson plans and designed to support a variety of social studies, history, and geography curricula. American History
Time Capsule Use this site to build your own “this day in history” time capsule. American History
Archiving Early America Archiving Early America provides in-depth background that allows srudents to understand this country's formative years. American History
Library of Congress The Library's mission is to support the Congress in fulfilling its constitutional duties and to further the progress of knowledge and creativity for the benefit of the American people. Includes presentations and activities. American History
World Fact Book This site provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities World History
African American History Over 2,000 entries delivering Black History every day of the year searchable by date or keyword. African American History
National Geographic Ed. offers an expanded and updated library of National Geographic's popular education content, highlighting our iconic media and expert resources aligned with education standards including free educational resources that bring geography, science, and social studies to life. Geography
Newseum Through a special agreement with more than 800 newspapers worldwide, the Newseum displays these front pages each day on its website. The front pages are in their original, unedited form, and some may contain material that is deemed objectionable to some visitors. Discretion is advised. Geography
U.S. Department of Defense This site provides official, timely and accurate information about defense policies, organizations, functions and operations. Government Provides information about the branches of government, features a virtual tour of the White House, and includes information about the present administration and issues facing the country. Government
econedlink EconEdLink is the leading source of online economic & personal finance lessons & resources for educators, students and afterschool providers. Economics
Economics Interactive Links Economics for Kids website including links to economics video Clips, interactive links & powerpoint presentations. Economics
The Money Circle The Money Circle curriculum targets students in grades 9-12 and provides resources from the Federal Reserve System focusing on the major concepts related to money. Personal Finance
Teachnology-Lesson Plans Free lesson plans from TeAchnology, a site dedicated to improving the education of today's students. Algebra
Math Forum Excellent lesson plans for teaching Algebra Algebra
Teachnology-Algebra Worksheets More than 10,000 worksheets from the popular site, TeAchnology. Algebra
KUTA Software Free worksheet and test generator for teachers. Algebra
Geometry Online Activities for middle school and high school geometry classes by Cynthia Lanius. Geometry
Math is Fun Offering mathematics in an enjoyable and easy-to-learn manner to show students that mathematics is fun. Geometry
Geometry Games Shape and spatial games to reinforce geometry skills. Geometry
Syvum- Trig Free online interactive quizzes on Trigonometry problems, functions, identities and word problems. Trigonometry
SOS Math Free resource for math review materials including short and easy-to-understand explanations. Trigonometry
Career and Technology Education
General Business Lesson Plans This site offers General Business lesson plans, activities, and resources General Business
Starting a Business Teach and learn basic principles for starting a business General Business
Business Week Business Week online offers informative articles on current business trends and innovations in the U.S. and globally. General Business
Careers in Business This site is designed to help find satisfying jobs in the business world. You will find the latest scoop on various business career areas. Careers
National Business Education Association NBEA is the professional organization for business education professionals. They provide current information to prepare students for the ever-changing world of work. CTE
Business Ethics A collection of links related to business ethics CTE
Infoplease - Business and Finance A Business and Finance Almanac CTE
Business Plans This site gives examples and resources for writing a business plan CTE
Marketing Teacher Free lessons and marketing resources for teachers Marketing
Business Reference Services A guide to sources of information for market segmentation Marketing
Language Arts
Bartleby Provides teachers and students with free unlimited access to literature, reference and verse. General English
Analogy Quiz Analogy of the Day Vocabulary
Rhyme Zone Find rhymes, synonyms, definitions, and more Vocabulary
ReadWriteThink Lessons and classroom resources English Lessons
Monthly Writing Prompt Suggested writing prompts by grade level updated monthly Writing
Purdue Owl Free online writing resources and instructional material from Purdue University Research
Guide to Grammar A guide to grammar and writing and principles of composition Grammar
Grammar Exercises Interactive grammar exercises Grammar
Big Dog's Grammar A bare bones guide to English Grammar
Grammar Bytes Interactive grammar exercises and handouts Grammar
Make Your Own Book Create your own print, photo, or ebooks Writing
Analogies Interactive student activity center for analogies Vocabulary
Homonyms A complete, alphabetized list of homonyms Vocabulary
Sherlock Holmes Resources for Sherlock Holmes Literature
Authors of Great Books Explore how authors of great books have excited readers and made an impact for the ages―includes video clips, lesson plans, discussion guides, and activities Literature
Medieval England History Learning Site with links related to Medieval England Literature
The Victorian Web Literature, history, and culture in the age of Victoria in Great Britain Literature
Luminarium: Anthology of English Literature Links and resources for Medieval times, the Renaissance, 17th Century, and the Restoration in Great Britain Literature
Literary Criticism This collection contains critical and biographical websites about authors and their works Literature
Propaganda Definitions and examples of common propaganda techniques and logical fallacies Propaganda
Recognizing Propaganda A site explaining types of propaganda and errors of faulty logic Propaganda
Oxymorons The biggest little list of oxymorons online Vocabulary
Introduction to Research Cornell University Library site explaining the steps of research Research
Popular Science Free browsing of Popular Science magazine including the entire 140 year old collection original to the time period published General Science
Oceans Alive Includes information and activities about ocean movement and life in the seas. General Science
Science Buddies Offers over 1000 Science Project ideas, as well as resources, and tools. General Science
The Dynamic Earth - Story of Plate Tectonics An online version of the original book. General Science
Extreme Science Information about the extremes in the world of science and also a comprehensive collection of science and technology information and resources General Science
Earth History Paleomar Project including information about geological time periods of Earth. General Science
Exploring the Environment - Volcanoes Module with essential questions for students to explore that teaches them about volcanic areas in the U.S. General Science
Natural Disasters From National Geographic, this site provides videos and resources for numerous natural disaster topics. General Science
Glossopedia Includes basic information about plants and their importance to life on Earth General Science
Plants Database The PLANTS Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories. General Science
Plants Basics Plant basics from the Biology4Kids website General Science
Plant Adaptations Learn about the ways that plants adapt to survive from the Biology of Plants website. General Science
Scientific Method Reasoning in Science resources from the Biology4Kids website General Science
Exploring the Moon Educator's Guide with activities that promote problem solving, communication skills and teamwork General Science
Federal Registry for Education Excellence Registry with more than 60,000 science sites in all areas of science General Science
USGS Geography facts and science resources for a changing world General Science
Khan Academy - Biology Videos covering topics seen in a first year college or high school biology course. Biology
Brightstorm - Biology Time-saving online video lessons that provide an Introduction to the study of Biology. Biology Online streaming video archive featuring interviews with scientists behind the research and analysis from Nature editors Biology
The Human Body In Human Body & Mind topics from the BBC Biology
Habits of the Heart Lessons, videos, and tools about the human heart with links to the Human Body Gallery and Tissues of Life website. Biology
The Biology Project Problem sets and Tutorials for many biology topics. Biology
Cells Alive Information, online interactive activities, puzzles, worksheets, and quizzes about cells. Biology
The Virtual Cell Online textbook and worksheets for learning about cells. Biology
Cell Tour A tour of the cell from the National Science Foundation. Biology
Biotech Adventure Oklahoma State University's Biotech Adventure that includes basic information on cells, DNA, and genetics. Biology
TED - Diving to the Deep Sea David Gallo's Underwater Astonishments showing jaw-dropping footage of amazing sea creatures. Biology
TED - Live in the Deep Sea With vibrant video clips captured by submarines, David Gallo takes us to some of Earth's darkest, most violent, toxic and beautiful habitats. Biology
Khan Academy - Chemistry Videos on chemistry (roughly covering a first-year high school or college course). Chemistry
Brightstorm - Chemistry Time-saving online video lessons that provide an Introduction to the study of Chemistry. Chemistry
Khan Academy - Physics Videos on physics including projectile motion, mechanics and electricity and magnetism. Physics
Brightstorm - Physics Time-saving online video lessons that provide an Introduction to the study of Physics. Physics