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Internet Safety Resources

Resource Description Subject Area
CopyRight Kids This site contains a list of terms related to copyright and their definitions. It also contains a list of address information for media sources such as television, music, and book publishers. Copyright
Cyberbee Interactive site - hover over a student to see a question related to copyright. Click the student to see the answer. Copyright
Power to Learn Interactive questions about copyright laws along with a case study involving two students. Copyright
Common Sense Media This is a free curriculum with lesson plans and handouts related to copyright laws. Copyright.
Cyberbullying This site contains many links to help students learn about, and avoid, cyberbullying. Cyberbullying
- all ages
Discovery Education Log in and search for videos on cyberbullying. Cyberbullying
- all ages
Evaluation Worksheet This site opens to a worksheet html document that serves as an evaluation checklist for authority, accuracy, and objectivity, within websites. Evaluating Websites
Information Fluency This site has information on website validity and an interactive quiz for students. Evaluating Websites
Website Validity This site contains a checklist to help teachers and/or students decide if an internet source should be trusted. Evaluating Websites
iSafe iSafe offers safety lessons by grade level covering a wide variety of topic in the area of internet safety. Topic include cyberbullying, website validity, and copyright rules. Gerneral Internet Safety - all ages
Teen Sexting Tips Topics include: Tips to avoid the serious and legal psychological consequences of sexting on the Web and cell phones. General Internet Safety - teens
Stop Cyberbullying How to recognize and prevent cyberbullying Cyberbullying
FBI Guide to Internet Safety Tips on monitoring Internet usage and keeping children safe online General Parent Resources
National Crime Prevention Council A variety of resources on all aspects of internet safey General Parent Resources
Safe Net Protecting kids from predators and pornography Predators