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S-EBT Coming Soon

The Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (S-EBT) appeals window opened on Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 7:00 a.m. CT, and will close on Wednesday, November 13, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. CT. Parents can file appeals online on the Summer EBT Parent Portal. S-EBT appeals FAQs can be found on Tennessee’s Summer EBT website.   

Parents can file an appeal on behalf of any child that was rejected for benefits. This includes students who were not identified as eligible for S-EBT benefits even though they participated in SNAP, Families First, TennCare, Foster Care, and/or the National School Lunch Program and were within the eligible age and household income range, as well as students with rejected S-EBT applications (includes applications with rejected reconsideration requests). Parents can only submit one appeal per child. 

If you have any S-EBT questions, please email    

S-EBT Fact Sheet - Summer 2024
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service established a new summer nutrition program to further ensure that children receive nutritious meals outside of the school year. The Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer program (S-EBT) will provide monetary benefits via S-EBT cards to eligible households to use during the summer. Eligible school aged children will receive $120 in Summer 2024.

Who can receive benefits?

  • School-aged children who receive assistance through SNAP, Medicaid, and/or TANF.
  • Foster, homeless, migrant, enrolled Head Start, and/or runaway children.
  • School-aged children who have been certified as eligible for free or reduced priced meals during the 2023-24 school year and attend a school that participates in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).
  • School-aged children that fall under the reduced-price meals’ income thresholds, attend a NSLP participating school during the 2023-24 school year, and have an approved S-EBT application.

Attending schools where all students eat at no cost does not automatically qualify a student for S-EBT benefits. Students attending Provision 2, Provision 3, and Community Eligibility Provision schools must still be directly certified or categorically eligible to receive benefits through applications. 

How do I receive benefits?
Most eligible families will not have to take any action to receive S-EBT benefits. Tennessee will use state data sources and work with districts and schools to collect eligible students. However, families who fall under the reduced-price meals’ income thresholds and have students who attend a NSLP participating school, but do not receive free or reduced priced meals or do not participate in SNAP, Medicaid, and/or TANF will have to apply for benefits via a S-EBT application.

When will I receive my benefits? 
Tennessee will issue benefits in June 2024. Families who submit S-EBT applications in or after June as well as families who submit an approved appeal will receive benefits on a rolling basis.

How long will my benefits last?
Since S-EBT benefits are meant for use during the summer, the benefits will expire after 122 calendar days. Benefits cannot be reinstated after they expire. Tennessee will notify families at least a month in advance before the expiration date.

What can I buy with my benefits?
You can use your S-EBT benefits at any grocery store or farmers market that accepts SNAP. You can buy most fresh, canned, frozen food items including but not limited to fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, dairy, eggs, rice, beans, dry goods, and seeds to grow plants.

What can I not buy with my benefits?
Items you cannot buy include but are not limited to prepared meals sold hot and ready, diapers, cleaning products, toilet paper, paper towels, supplements, medicine, pet foods, and alcohol.

Can I participate in other summer feeding programs if I receive benefits?
Yes, S-EBT is meant to supplement Tennessee’s existing summer feeding programs, Seamless Summer Feeding Option and the Summer Food Service Program

If I use my benefits, will it impact my family’s immigration status?
No, receiving S-EBT benefits will not affect your immigration status.