Counseling and Social Services
School Counselors and School Social Workers are professional educators with a mental health orientation. All schools in the Bartlett City School District are staffed with Professional School Counselors and Social Workers who hold a minimum of a master’s degree and are licensed/certified in Counselor Education, Social Work, or a related mental health field. Bartlett City School’s Professional School Counselors and Social Workers adhere to strict legal and ethical standards and provide services in academic, personal/social, and career domains based on the tenets of Tennessee Model for School Counseling, the American School Counselor Association, TN Board of Social Workers, National Association of Social Workers.
School counseling and social work services are delivered through comprehensive school counseling and social work programs which include, but are not limited to, the following activities:
- Developmentally appropriate classroom guidance lessons
- Individual and small group counseling
- Consultation and collaboration with parents, administrators, teachers, support
- staff, and community agencies
- Staff development
- Seminars for parents
- Student advocacy
- Social services and mental health agency referrals
- Collaboration on Prevention and Intervention programming
- District Crisis Team participation
- Consultation in development of IEPs, 504s, and Behavior Intervention Plans
For further information, please contact Lakisha Howard, Counseling and Intervention Supervisor, Bartlett City Schools, 901-202-0855, Ext. #2256.