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Health Facts

Bartlett City Schools is committed to providing its stakeholders with pertinent and accurate information about communicable diseases within our community. The Shelby County Health Department is a strategic partner with whom we will work to ensure that proper information and preventative measures are shared with the BCS community.

Please refer to the following website for information regarding coronavirus.


Please refer to the FAQ sheets and letter below from the Shelby County and Tennessee Health Departments regarding Enterovirus (D68) and Ebola.  

Enterovirus (D68) FAQ

Ebola FAQ

State Health Dept.

Please refer to the following website for information regarding meningococcal disease.


Please refer to the following website for information regarding influenza (flu).


For information from the Shelby County Health Department regarding measles, please refer below.


For information regarding a cold or virus, please refer below.


For information regarding the Zika Virus, please read below.

The Tennessee Department of Health and the Tennessee Department of Education are committed to preventing the spread of the Zika virus in our state, particularly given the threat this disease presents to pregnant women and their babies. To that end, they have provided several resources to share with you and local communities. 

Guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for school districts in the U.S. regarding the Zika virus has recently been released and endorsed by the Tennessee Department of Health. This guidance can be found at Extensive additional information is also available on the Tennessee Department of Health website:  You may also call the Shelby County Health Department at (901)222-9000 or visit their website at

Refer to the BCS policies below pertaining to communicable diseases

Policy # 6008

Policy # 500