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Health Guidelines

Our mission remains to provide a safe learning environment for our students, teachers, and staff. If a child presents with any of the following issues, a parent/guardian will be notified, and the child must be picked up by a parent/guardian (designee or emergency contact) within one (1) hour. Allowing your child to remain in school with any of these symptoms places other children and staff at risk. The intent of these guidelines is in the best interest of all and can translate into fewer missed days due to illness. We will be proactive in maintaining a healthy environment in our schools for all of our community.

Appearance/Behavior - Lethargy (unusually tired, pale, and difficult to wake), confused or irritable. These symptoms can be sufficient reason to stay at home, especially if severe or unusual.

Fever - Temperature of 100.0F or higher, the child must go home and be fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning to school. If children or staff test positive for a communicable disease, they will need to be symptom free and have certification from a physician that they are no longer communicable before they are able to return. Your school nurse will advise the parent when a doctor’s note is required.

Diarrhea - Two (2) or more watery stools in a 24-hour period, the child should be kept home, especially if the child feels sick. If diarrhea occurs at school, the child must be sent home and free of diarrhea episodes for at least 24 hours.

Vomiting - Two (2) or more times within the past 24 hours, the child should be kept home. If vomiting occurs at school, the child must be sent home and free of vomiting episodes for at least 24 hours.

Respiratory Illnesses – Respiratory illnesses such as colds, flu, and COVID-19 can be highly contagious and adversely affect people with underlying medical conditions. Children with a persistent cough, congestion, and runny nose, especially with fever, will be sent home and should see a doctor, as this could be one of several infectious respiratory diseases. The child should remain home and away from others until at least 24 hours after both their symptoms are getting better overall, and they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.

Sore/Strep Throat - A minor sore throat is usually not a problem, but a severe sore throat could be more serious, even if no fever exists. If other symptoms are part of the complaint, it is advised that the child’s parent be called to pick them up because they may be contagious. Special tests are needed to diagnose strep throat. If the child tests positive for strep throat, they may return to class when they have been treated with antibiotics for 24 hours and are fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.

Eyes - With pink eye (conjunctivitis), you may see a white/yellow discharge, matted eyelids after sleep, or eye pain and redness. Children should go home if suspected pink eye and treatment has not begun. The child may return to school after 24-hours of treatment with an antibiotic eye medication.

Communicable Disease - Refer to Bartlett City Schools Board Policy #6008 and Shelby County Health Department guidance.

Rash - Children with a skin rash of unknown origin, especially with fever, will be sent home and should see a doctor, as this could be one of several infectious diseases. Heat rash and allergic reactions are not contagious, and the child may come to school if symptoms are tolerable. Rashes that are blistering, open, or weeping must be covered and treated for the child to remain in school.

Ringworm - is not a type of parasite but rather a fungal skin infection — the condition gets its name from the characteristic ring-shaped rash that it causes. Ringworm is contagious, and to stop the spread of infection, timely treatment is extremely important. Avoiding skin contact with the infected person is the best way to stop it from spreading. Ringworm can be treated simply with over-the-counter antifungal cream, though more severe cases may require the use of an oral antifungal medication. The area must be covered and treated for the child to remain in school