School Social Work
Bartlett School Social Work
Clara Walz, LMSW, LSSW
How to contact your social worker
High school ext. 7053
Scan the QR code or click the document below for a list of community resources.
*This document was created by Bartlett Senior Skye Bowers as their senior project*
What does a school social worker do?
School social workers work with students, parents, and teachers to nurture school success. One of the most important goals is to help reduce, and ideally eliminate, problems and obstacles that interfere with a student's learning. When a student is referred to me I look into their unique situation and identify the biggest needs and supports that the student has. The student and I work together to impact those needs while utilizing supports within the student's home, school, and community. The entire Bartlett staff are here to assist in teaching students more effective skills, encouraging them in healthy directions and habits, and coaching them forward through personal and academic challenges.
Your School Social Worker has a Master of Social Work degree (MSW) from the University of Houston and is licensed to practice by the state of Tennessee. School Social Workers are school-based professionals skilled in helping to resolve your student's problems so they can come to school ready to learn. Your school social worker is trained to work with students and their families in many different areas such as:
Helping to resolve disputes among peers - CRISIS INTERVENTION
Intervention in student having a involving personal, school, and or family concerns - SUPPORTIVE PYSCHO-EDUCATIONAL COUNSELING
Individual or small group counseling to support student needs - CLASSROOM PRESENTATIONS Problem solving, positive social skills, dealing with bullying and staying safe on the internet, stress management, anger management, & utilizing coping skills.
- COMMUNITY REFERALS : To agencies for private counseling (individual or family) and/or Health Care needs
How are students referred to the school social worker:
- School Personnel
- Parents
- Community Agencies
- Student Self-Referral
“If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
*Please call or e-mail to discuss any concerns you may have for your student’s success at school.
Mrs. Clara Walz
School Social Worker