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Professional Development and Evaluation

Research consistently confirms the single greatest influence on student learning is an effective teacher.  Bartlett City Schools is committed to retaining and growing teachers by utilizing the talent of our people.  Creating a culture of partnerships that allows teachers the opportunity to strengthen their professional skills by collaborating, observing, and learning from one another is believed to be the driving force behind increased student learning. Whether these roles are assigned formally or shared informally, they solidify the need to invest in teachers leading teachers and build the entire school’s capacity to improve.

In Bartlett City Schools, we are committed to the highest level of teacher leadership where:


  • Demonstrate growth in specific skill areas and academic growth in all areas as evidenced through benchmark assessments, common formative assessments, individual student data, and state achievement test growth data.
  • Meet or exceed college readiness standards as evidenced by TNready, ACT and End of Course tests.
  • Use their individual achievement data to set goals, reflect on, and evaluate their own learning.


  • Embody a growth mindset as evidenced through using feedback from their peers, administrators, and district office staff to improve classroom instruction and the overall school climate.
  • Consistently use data to drive instruction and improve student outcomes.
  • Continuously engage in on-going professional learning and eagerly share with peers.


  • Involve teacher leaders in curriculum, rigor, peer feedback, monitoring student work, data collection and analysis, intervention, progress monitoring, and facilitation of learning.
  • Recognize and develop the talents of teacher leaders to use their collective strengths, skills, and experience to improve practices
  • Collaborate with teacher leaders to develop strategies to retain high-performing educators, foster leadership skills, and support all educators.
  • Provide growth opportunities and varied leadership opportunities.

District Support:

  • Provides all educators a variety of opportunities to grow through various support structure (i.e. Coaching Institute, New Teacher Orientation, District Learning Days, In-service, Professional Learning Sessions, On-line Learning Sessions, Twitter Chats, etc.)
  • Provides incentives for teacher leaders
  • Models and provides feedback on best instructional practices

    Bartlett City Schools uses the TEAM Evaluation Model. For more information about this model, click