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About Us

The Bartlett Education Foundation was formed in 1998 and became the first officially recognized Student
Support Organization for Bartlett City Schools after they were established in 2014. The Foundation has
developed into a successful 501(c)3 non-profit organization that works to create and promote academic
awareness of education initiatives among parents, businesses and our community.

The Bartlett Education Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors with the mission to support Bartlett City Schools through the use of fundraising and creating awareness. The Foundation is fortunate to partner with many organizations throughout our community to support to great work they do. If you are interest in supporting them through an online donation you may click the button below. You may also reach out to the Bartlett Education Foundation to learn about the various way you or your business can partner with them by emailing their Executive Director at or by emailing
Jason A. Sykes, Bartlett City Schools liaison to the Bartlett Education Foundation at



Executive Officers:

Todd Ruston - President
Pinnacle Financial Partners

Kathy Carl - Vice-President
Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce

Sue Coleman - Secretary
Former Bartlett Chamber President

Crandall Quinn - Treasurer

Members At-Large:

Michele Dial - Education Advisor
Assistant Principal, Bon Lin Elementary School

Rachel Landsdown
Trustmark National Bank
(Past President: 2015-2020)

Kevin Quinn 
Bartlett Alderman, Position 6

Marian Reimann - Grants Committee
Dreams Unlimited Travel Agency

Jason A. Sykes - School District Liaison
Bartlett City Schools
(Past President: 2013-2015)

Martie Watson
Travel Leaders Travel Agency

Ex-Offico Members:

David Cook
Chairman, Bartlett City Board of Education

Dr. David A. Stephens
Superintendent, Bartlett City Schools