2024-2025 1:1 Device Guide
2024-2025 1:1 Payment and Forms
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You can now complete your insurance payments and BCS 1:1 Device Form online for the 2024-2025 school year! This is only for students entering the 6th through 12th grades.
Please complete the 3 steps below in the listed order. If you pay insurance now, you will need your receipt number from step 3 for the Device Form in step 2.
- Review with your student(s) the 1:1 Responsible Use, Policy, Procedures, and Information Guide linked here: https://www.bartlettschools.org/pdf/BCSDeviceProcedures20242025.pdf
- Complete the 2024-2025 BCS 1:1 Device Form linked here: Device Form A form must be completed for each student.
- Pay your insurance fee here: https://bartlettschools.schoolcashonline.com If you have an account, your payment info should be available once you log in. If you do not have an account, you will need to register and then add your student(s). Once that is completed, there is a 3-day turnaround and then your insurance fee will be available.
Key Items:
- All students in grades 6-8 will be receiving iPads this year with keyboard cases. All 9-12 students will be receiving new MacBook Air devices.
- A form (Step 3) must be filled out for each student.
- One replacement charger will be covered under the insurance fee. After one replacement is used, there is a $50 charge for a laptop charger or a $25 charge for an iPad charger.
- Our insurance fee structure is the same this year. A single student will pay $25, a family with 2 students will pay $50, and a family with 3 or more students will pay $75.