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Employee Clinic

Benefit Brochure is to the right of the page.

New Hire Brochure
Insurance Calendar 2024-2025


MedBen Logo

Medical and Pharmacy: MedBen
Phone: (800) 686-8425;

If you receive a new ID card, please provide to your doctors and pharmacist.

MedBen Portal
List of Discretionary Drugs (cost to employee of 100% of discounted claim charge)
Spouse Affidavit


CareATC -

Employee Health Clinic: CareATC
Phone: (901)625-5767

CareATC manages the Care4Us medical clinics for employees and their dependents who are covered under the medical plan. All services received at the clinic, including prescriptions, are at no cost to the member. There are two convenient locations: Bartlett and Collierville. You can make appointments by using the CareATC app, calling the phone number above or by logging into their website.

Patient Portal | CareATC- website link

Employee Pharmacy: Care4Us Pharmacy
Phone: (901) 625-DRUG; (901) 625-3784

Care4Us Pharmacy is the exclusive option for covered MedBen Health Plan members and their families. The pharmacy focuses on generics and preferred brand medications with zero to lower copay options to keep out-of-pocket costs low. It also offers free delivery of your meds right to your school.

Dental Insurance: Delta Dental
Phone: (800) 223-3104

Delta Dental continues to provide Dental benefits to BCS members. Delta Dental offers two plans with a large network of providers. Please see below information on both plans.

Delta Dental Portal

Vision Insurance: DavisVision
Phone: (800) 999-5431

Davis Vision continues to provide Vision benefits to BCS members. Davis Vision offers a large network of providers including Sam’s Club and Walmart. Davis Vision offers low copays on eye exams and excellent discounts on premier options such as transition lenses and no line bifocals.

Davis Vision Portal


Voluntary Benefits: American Fidelity – (800) 465-2129 (FSA); (800) 662-1113 (other products);

American Fidelity provides a number of voluntary products including the Flexible Spending and Dependent Childcare benefits, Cancer, Critical Illness and Accident benefits, and Short-Term Disability. 

The Flexible Spending Account allows you to set aside pre-tax dollars from your paycheck to be used at the time of service for medical, dental and vision services. Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines without a prescription are now eligible for reimbursement.   

The Cancer and Critical Illness policies pay benefits directly to you to help you pay for copays, and/or out of pocket expenses.

The Accident Policy pays benefits to you if you or a covered member have an accident.

The Short-Term Disability policy pays you a benefit based on your election amount and salary.  This benefit also offers a maternity benefit and will pay you a lump sum depending upon your period of disability (6 or 8 weeks). 

To submit a claim, please log in to your account below. See below for plan details.

American Fidelity Account Login

Life and Long‐Term Disability: 

Standard Insurance Company –

Phone: (800) 348-3226
The Life Insurance and Long Term Disability products have been through Standard Insurance Company since 2016. For Life Insurance, all LSS employees are provided 2 times annual earnings up to $300,000.  The District pays 100% of this cost.  Employees are able to add additional life insurance on themselves, their spouse and dependent children, although late entrant rules apply. Employees pay 100% of the competitive premium rates.  

For Long-Term Disability, Standard pays eligible claimants 60% of their pre-disability earnings up to a maximum period of 5 years.  Late entrant rules apply.  Please see plan documents listed below for detail on benefits.

Please contact the benefits department at  if you need to file a claim. 

Retirement Benefits

TCRS Member Self-Service
Empower 401(k) Account Login

The RetireReadyTN New Employee Orientation video will provide new employees with a complete introduction to the Hybrid Retirement Plan for State and Higher Education Employees and K-12 Teachers hired on or after July 1, 2014.

In approximately 15 minutes, new employees will learn about the TCRS and 401(k) components of their retirement plan including employer and employee contributions, how retirement benefits are calculated, and ways to access account information and retirement readiness resources.

American Fidelity Product Plan Information