Bon Lin STEM Showcase

Mr. Brown's 6th Grade STEM classes are re-creating some of Rube Goldburg's famous machines.  
Mr. Brown's 6th Grade STEM classes are re-designing some of Rube Goldburg's famous machines.  
BLM Students are doing awesome projects in STEM Classes! Enjoy the videos to get a peek of what they are working on!  
BLM 6th Graders explaining why they enjoy STEM with Mr. Brown and Mrs. Smith
STEM Students testing cars that run off CO2 in Mrs. Farrell's class
Student is explaining how to make her airplane design work better in Mr. Farrell's class
Students are coding their Sphero Robots to follow a path in Ms. Green's Class
Students created an obstacle course and are programming their robot to complete the course in Mr. Farrell's class
Students are coding the Sphero robot to follow the path of a shape in Mrs. Green's class