
Welcome to the Bartlett City Schools

Pre-Kindergarten Program Home Page

Bartlett City Schools currently offers Pre-Kindergarten classes, which are funded by the State of Tennessee and Bartlett City Schools. The BCS Pre-K program is designed to meet the needs of students identified as educationally and economically at-risk.

The Bartlett City Schools PreK program is for students who turn 4 by August 15, 2024 and for Bartlett residents ONLY.

 BCS - Voluntary Pre-K Program Application


Bartlett City Schools Pre-Kindergarten classrooms are

at the following locations:


Oak Elementary

Rivercrest Elementary

Bartlett Elementary

3573 Oak Road 

4825 Rivercrest Lane  

3932 Billy Maher Road  

Bartlett, TN 38135

Bartlett, TN 38135

Bartlett, TN 38135

Principal:  Susan Lawson

Principal:  Sharonda Rose 

Principal:  Steven Baade


Resources for PreK Families


Solicitud de Evaluación de Pre-K

Books From Birth

Kid Central

BCS Curriculum Site


The BCS Pre-K program is a resource for families who are economically at-risk.

Please visit our Teaching & Learning website for additional information.