6th Grade

ELA Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Your student will use IXL to practice two skills this week: K3: Identify supporting details in informational texts and K4: Identify supporting details in literary texts. Some students have account already set up through their school, but IXL is free to all students during this time, so an account is not necessary. Most students should aim for a SMART score of 80 or higher, but we understand that this is not an appropriate goal for all students. Student in exceptional language arts should attempt to achieve a SMART score of 90. Students who struggle in language arts should stop after 30 minutes even if they have not achieved a score of 80. At the end of the practice session, students should take a screen shot of their final score and email it to their ELA teacher.
Student Instructions
If you have an IXL account through your school, please log in. Otherwise, you may just go to IXL.com. Click on “Learning” and then “Language Arts.” Under 6th grade, practice the following skills: K3: Identify supporting details in informational texts and K4: Identify supporting details in literary texts. Practice each skill until you achieve a SMART score of 80 OR until you have practiced for 30 minutes. Send a screen shot of your final score to your teacher.
Learning Opportunity Objective
After reading a short passage, the student will choose the best detail to support a claim.
IXL is able to be customized for students. Exceptional students, for example, may practice the exact same skills at the 7th or even 8th grade level. Please email your ELA teacher with specific questions
Common Lit
Parent Instructions
Parents, see attached parent guides and answer keys for ideas on how to support your student while reading.
Student Instructions
Students, you can go to common lit with your username and password, or use the attached files to access this text about a Native American Woman who was left alone on an island for 18 years. Try the questions on your own and then access the answer key file to see how you did. You may talk about the discussion questions with a parent, sibling, or friend, or you may type your answers on the pdf using a text box. Email your language arts teacher if you have any questions. Happy reading!
Learning Opportunity Objective
After reading this informational text, students will answer text-dependent questions about central idea, text development, and author style.
File Submission (if applicable)
Student Instructions
Please read the article The Lone Woman of San Nicholas Island by Jessica McBirney and complete the Writing Revolution assignment. You may type out your answers, print the worksheet and fill in the answers, or simply write out the answers on a piece of notebook paper. Please send evidence of completion to your ELA teacher; evidence may include the completed document itself or photographs of the completed document.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will vary their sentence structure to enhance their writing.
Please email your ELA teacher if you have any questions regarding this assignment.
Enrichment ELA Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2
Parent Instructions
We know that many of the skills needed to perform well on the ACT are introduced in middle school courses. We want to encourage students to start preparing for the ACT now. They will use iXL to start practicing the ACT skills.
Student Instructions
We hope you surprise yourself seeing how much you already know that will be covered on the ACT. A high score on the ACT means more scholarship dollars for college. Begin completed iXL skills that are correlated to ACT now :)! Follow the link above and begin working in the 13-15 score range. Want to challenge yourself, go to the 16-19 range! Send your teacher screenshots of final scores via e-mail and let them know what you are working on and how you are doing!
Learning Opportunity Objective
Prepare for the ACT!
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Your student can use the link above to access a wide variety of free stories via desktop, laptop, phone or tablet. Amazon's Audible streaming service will allow your student to select works at the appropriate reading level based on current interests. Each selection provides a summary and reviews of the work that you can preview before your student starts reading. Titles are available in six languages and cover a wide variety of topics as well as classical literature.
Student Instructions
Browse thru the book selections; then, read the summaries and reviews of several books to help you pick a title that will capture your interest and challenge your imagination. Create blog entries during reading and/or your own review of the book to share with your teacher and classmates (see your teacher’s guidelines for specific guidelines for submitting work).
Learning Opportunity Objective
Read and comprehend a variety of literature and literary nonfiction throughout the grades 6-8 text complexity band

Math Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Your child will be solving one-step equations today. Please encourage them to work through the steps on a sheet of paper. Calculators are allowed at your discretion.
Student Instructions
Good Morning Glories! The first two sheets linked above are examples of how to solve one-step equations. You don't have to do anything with these sheets, they are notes and examples for you. Even if your teacher did not do it exactly this way, it should look familiar to you. The third sheet has one-step equations for you to solve. You may use your calculator, but should still work out the steps on a sheet of paper. As you solve each equation, match your solution to the maze on the last sheet. If you solve them correctly, you should be able to annotate on the maze and work through it to the end. When you finish, send a screen shot of your work (taken in PhotoShop) and a screen shot of your maze to your teacher.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Solving one-step equations
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Parents, have students log into IXL and go to 6th grade, topic Z, lessons 3,4,5,6,7, and 8. Students should strive for a smart score of 90% or above.
Student Instructions
Hey students!!!! Please log into IXL and go to 6th grade, topic Z (One Variable Equations), lessons 3,4,5,6,7, and 8. Students should strive for a smart score of 90% or above. We miss you!!!!
Learning Opportunity Objective
Solving equations
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Your child will complete the quizizz to demonstrate his/her understanding of one-step equations. Your child will go to quizizz.com and will join the game with the code 662805 or use the link: https://quizizz.com/join?gc=662805
Student Instructions
1) Complete the quizizz at: https://quizizz.com/join?gc=662805 (you can go to quizizz.com and enter the game code: 662805 Strive to make a 70% or higher.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will demonstrate his/her understanding of one-step equations by completing a quizizz striving for a 70% or better.
Enrichment Math Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2

Step-Sheet for Creating a Legends of Learning Account and Logging-In

Parent Instructions
Parents: For this week's Enrichment activity, students will follow the directions on the Legends of Learning Step Sheet to create an account and log-in to play a gaming style review of EQUATIONS. (See the Teacher Assigned PLAYLISTS) Students can also complete a cumulative math skill review in The Awakening Game that is also available in Legends of Learning. *If students need to review, a video has also been included.
Student Instructions
Students: You will download the file "StepSheet- Legends of Learning" and follow the directions to create an account and log-in. If your teacher has an account, you may receive a different TEACHER CODE to use via your email, REMIND, or Curve. This week's PLAYLISTS focus on EQUATIONS. If you need a review, watch the video embedded above. Choose a warm-up skill review and 1-2 Practice Playlists to complete. TOPIC: EQUATIONS- WARM-UP Playlists--- 1. Find Equivalent Expressions-- 2. Kayla’s Big Catch -- -PRACTICE Playlists- 1. Answering Questions with Equations-- 2. Write and Solve Problems with Equations-- 3. Solve Multi-Step Problems with + and -, rational numbers-- There is also a challenging review of all math skills in The Awakening Game. You can play The Awakening review game automatically once you log-in, but your assigned Playlists may not show up immediately. If you are new to Legends of Learning, your playlists will appear after you join, so check back later in the day or the next day to see the new playlists.

Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will answer questions and solve problems with equations, create and identify equivalent expressions, and write and solve multi-step problems with equations.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Please, read attached document "ACT Prep for Distance Learning".
Student Instructions
Please, read attached document "ACT Prep for Distance Learning".
Learning Opportunity Objective
Review math skills for ACT test

Science Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Have your child go to https://nearpod.com/student/ and enter the code (VWQAC). They will work through different activities built into the Nearpod and answer a variety of questions regarding convection and climate around given geographical features.
Student Instructions
Go to https://nearpod.com/student/ and type in the code (VWQAC). You will read through the Nearpod presentation on convection and climate. As you go through the presentation, you will complete virtual field trips, quizzes, short answer responses and watch videos about convection and climate of given areas.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will identify how convection impacts the weather around given geographical features by developing and using models.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Have your child go to login.legendsoflearning.com and select PLAY NOW on the right side of the screen. See the attached directions for additional information.
Student Instructions
1. Students should go to login.legendsoflearning.com to join. 2. Choose play teacher playlists, enter teacher code "BCSMIDDLE" and select Awakening Assignment. 3. New players will go through set-up and tutorial. 4. Students should find and enter the teacher assignments portal in base!
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will review concepts of wind and weather
When finished, students can complete the optional assigned playlist, "STORM CHASER" and “FORECAST LIVE"
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Have students click on the above link and play the game by answering the questions. Students can play as many times as they would like.
Student Instructions
Click on the link and play the GimKit. You can play as many times as you would like!
Learning Opportunity Objective
Wind and Weather
Enrichment Science Week 5
Lesson 1
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
This site offers lab simulation for students to allow them to see science in action! Please have students choose a file to click on. These opportunities have been offered in the past few weeks. If they have completed a "Gizmo" they need to click on the file titled "Already have an account". If your student has not completed one, they will need the file entitled "Setting up a Gizmo account". It will take them through the process of setting up an account and completing the assignment. They will complete a Word document associated with the simulation and turn it in to their teachers. For this week, they will complete one of the following: Costal winds and clouds, or Weather maps-Metric.
Student Instructions
Please have choose a file to click on. These opportunities have been offered in the past few weeks. If you have completed a "Gizmo" you need to click on the file titled "Already have an account". If you have not completed one, you will need the file entitled "Setting up a Gizmo account". It will take you through the process of setting up an account and completing the assignment. you will complete a Word document associated with the simulation and turn it in to their teachers. For this week, they will complete one of the following: Costal winds and clouds, or Weather maps-Metric.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Review Wind and Weather standards
Social Studies Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
The student will go to the website and complete the Silk Road Simulation Game/Activity. The activity has short video clips that are helpful and there is a worksheet the students can download but it is not required. https://www.activehistory.co.uk/silkroad/
Student Instructions
1) Go to the website: https://www.activehistory.co.uk/silkroad/ (there are directions on the website too) 2) At the bottom of the screen, select if you want your player to be a female or male. 3) The Silk Road simulation will begin (you will know you are participating when you see a camel and shows how many days you have traveled). 4) Watch all videos and read the information. To keep you more involved, you may complete the worksheet that you can download, but this is optional.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Ancient China (Silk Roads)
The worksheet is attached but it is optional.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Confucius was a great Chinese philosopher and teacher that we studied during our China unit. He is most well known for his famous quotes. As your child chooses a quote to work with, having a discussion with them about what it means and how it impacts like could be incredibly valuable to them as Confucius' big focus was showing how important morals and ethics are to a society. The link is provided for information incase your child needs to review.
Student Instructions
Confucius was a great Chinese philosopher and teacher that we studied during our China unit. He is most well known for his famous quotes. Below are the steps that you should follow to complete this assignment. 1. Pick one of the quotes below. When selecting a quote, think of one that means something in your life and that you think is important. -It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. ... -Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. ... -He who learns but does not think, is lost! ... -A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions. ... -What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others. 2. Answer the following questions about the quote: a). Imagine you were explaining this quote to a younger person who doesn't quite understand it. What does the quote mean? b). Do you agree with this quote? Explain why? c). Can you apply this quote to your life? Tell how or give an example. d). If you could talk to Confucius, what is something you would like to ask him about this quote? 3. You have two choices of how to submit this to your teacher: a). Copy and paste the questions into a pages document, answer the questions, and email it to your social studies teacher. b). Create a keynote: The keynote should have 5 slides, a title slide and a slide for each questions. Feel free to include pictures relevant to Confucius in the keynote. c). Create a short video using quicktime or iMovie of you discussing the 4 questions, and email it to your social studies teacher.
Learning Opportunity Objective
I can examine a quote of Confucius and show how it applies to my life.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Your child will use their laptop and go to join.nearpod.com or use the Nearpod app. Students will use the provided Nearpod codes to review and reinforce concepts related to Ancient China.
Student Instructions
You will need to either go to join.nearpod.com or use the Nearpod app to complete the two nearpod presentations. These presentations will review Ancient China. The nearpod code for overall Ancient China review including three virtual reality tours is DUFVC. The nearpod code for the Flocabulary lesson about Ancient China, which includes a fun song, memory card game, and a VR tour is GSIWH. Have fun learning!
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will understand and review the major components of Ancient China.