9th - 12th ELA

9th ELA Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3

File Submission (if applicable)

Parent Instructions

Student Instructions
Students will log in to CommonLit, join your teacher’s “At Home Learning” class, and then complete the assigned tasks. If you are enrolled in more than one class on CommonLit, be sure to look for the assignments in the “At Home Learning” class. You must be in the class for your work to save and your score to be sent to your teacher.

Learning Opportunity Objective
Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.

All of the Learning Opportunities for this week will be completed through the CommonLit platform. Directions: Students will log in to CommonLit, join your teacher’s “At Home Learning” class, and then complete the assigned tasks. Email your teacher if you have trouble logging in. Class Codes: Frost- NN8E9R Geer-VN569Z Harris-D3RDYR Hicks- GWB5BY Staten- EYNRW8 Vigus- 34RDJQ

File Submission (if applicable)

Parent Instructions

Student Instructions
Students will log in to CommonLit, join your teacher’s “At Home Learning” class, and then complete the assigned tasks. If you are enrolled in more than one class on CommonLit, be sure to look for the assignments in the “At Home Learning” class. You must be in the class for your work to save and your score to be sent to your teacher.

Learning Opportunity Objective
Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.

All of the Learning Opportunities for this week will be completed through the CommonLit platform. Directions: Students will log in to CommonLit, join your teacher’s “At Home Learning” class, and then complete the assigned tasks. Email your teacher if you have trouble logging in. Class Codes: Frost- NN8E9R Geer-VN569Z Harris-D3RDYR Hicks- GWB5BY Staten- EYNRW8 Vigus- 34RDJQ

File Submission (if applicable)

Parent Instructions

Student Instructions
Students will log in to CommonLit, join your teacher’s “At Home Learning” class, and then complete the assigned tasks. If you are enrolled in more than one class on CommonLit, be sure to look for the assignments in the “At Home Learning” class. You must be in the class for your work to save and your score to be sent to your teacher.

Learning Opportunity Objective
Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.

All of the Learning Opportunities for this week will be completed through the CommonLit platform. Directions: Students will log in to CommonLit, join your teacher’s “At Home Learning” class, and then complete the assigned tasks. Email your teacher if you have trouble logging in. Class Codes: Frost- NN8E9R Geer-VN569Z Harris-D3RDYR Hicks- GWB5BY Staten- EYNRW8 Vigus- 34RDJQ
10th ELA Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Students can login to CommonLit through Clever or simply go to www.commonlit.com and login with their email and password. There will be a story for the student to read and then quizzes to be completed. There is also a Parent Guide that is included with each selection to help you further your student's understanding.

Student Instructions
Login to CommonLit. When you come to your class you will see the article that you are to read. Read it carefully, annotate if you would like and then complete the quiz. Remember, you can listen to the story if you would like.
Learning Opportunity Objective
9-10.RL.KID.1 Analyze what a text says explicitly and draw inferences; cite the strongest, most compelling textual evidence to support conclusions.

Please remember that if you have "opted in" to the grade replacement option, this is one of the graded assignments. Do your best work!!
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Students are to complete the Vocabulary Assignment. There are five different activities for ten new vocabulary words that review using context clues, fill-in-the-blank sentences, fill-in-the-blank scenarios, matching the vocabulary words to the definitions, and application of the Vocabulary words. When students have completed all five activities, they are to email the entire pdf to their English teacher.

Student Instructions
Open the attached PDF document. Complete the five different activities for the ten new vocabulary words that review using context clues, fill-in-the-blank sentences, fill-in-the-blank scenarios, matching the vocabulary words to the definitions, and application of the Vocabulary words. Read the directions for each activity carefully, and complete as instructed. When you are finished, email the entire completed pdf to your English teacher.

Learning Opportunity Objective
9-10 9-10.L.VAU.6 Demonstrate independence in building vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
Storyboardthat via Clever
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Help your child decide what are the six major events that happened to Elie Wiesel in Night. They might like to write down their ideas as they recall for you the major events of the memoir that they read in class. Once they have completed the task, allow them to share their comic with you and discuss why they chose those particular events to include in their comic strip.

Student Instructions
Access StoryboardThat from your Clever page on your student laptop. You will use the site to create a 6 panel digital comic strip to show the six Major Events in Night that you read in your English 10 class this year. Consider the six important/major things that happened to Elie Wiesel, then create a comic in which the 6 major events in the memoir are included in chronological order. When you are finished, share your comic with someone at home.

Learning Opportunity Objective
Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays to enhance understanding of specific content

I have included a pdf copy of Night in case you need to check an event or spell a person's name correctly.
11th ELA Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions

Student Instructions
You need to go to 1) Clever, 2) log in and sign into 3) Common Lit, 4) It may ask you for a password-you will make up your own and confirm it. There are TWO assignments assigned by your teacher regarding The Great Gatsby. You have to answer the guided reading questions but also MUST answer the questions at the end. If you do not, you will not get a grade for those who have opted in.

Learning Opportunity Objective
Read closely to determine what a text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. Determine central themes and summarize supporting details and analyze events.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions

Student Instructions
You need to go to 1) Clever, 2) log in and sign into 3) Common Lit, 4) It may ask you for a password-you will make up your own and confirm it. There are TWO assignments assigned by your teacher regarding The Great Gatsby. You have to answer the guided reading questions but also MUST answer the questions at the end. If you do not, you will not get a grade for those who have opted in.

Learning Opportunity Objective
Read closely to determine what a text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. Determine central themes and summarize supporting details and analyze events.
Performance Matters
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Student Instructions
Go to Clever and sign into Performance Matters. Take the test labeled: 11ELAMinorActivity1 and submit test.

Learning Opportunity Objective
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing.
12th ELA Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
The student will log into CommonLit.org. The student will create an account if they have not done so already. The student will then enter a class code given to them specifically by their 12th grade English teacher. The student will read the 3 entries and submit their answers. If the assignment improves their overall Q3 grade it will be entered. If the assignment does not help their grade, it will not be entered.

Student Instructions
The student will log into CommonLit.org. The student will create an account if they have not done so already. The student will then enter a class code given to them specifically by their 12th grade English teacher. The student will read the 3 entries and submit their answers.

Learning Opportunity Objective
Read for literal, interpretive, and evaluative comprehension. Adapt and adjust active reading strategies.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
The student will log into CommonLit.org. The student will create an account if they have not done so already. The student will then enter a class code given to them specifically by their 12th grade English teacher. The student will read the 3 entries and submit their answers. If the assignment improves their overall Q3 grade it will be entered. If the assignment does not help their grade, it will not be entered.

Student Instructions
The student will log into CommonLit.org. The student will create an account if they have not done so already. The student will then enter a class code given to them specifically by their 12th grade English teacher. The student will read the 3 entries and submit their answers.

Learning Opportunity Objective
Read for literal, interpretive, and evaluative comprehension. Adapt and adjust active reading strategies.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
The student will log into CommonLit.org. The student will create an account if they have not done so already. The student will then enter a class code given to them specifically by their 12th grade English teacher. The student will read the 3 entries and submit their answers. If the assignment improves their overall Q3 grade it will be entered. If the assignment does not help their grade, it will not be entered.

Student Instructions
The student will log into CommonLit.org. The student will create an account if they have not done so already. The student will then enter a class code given to them specifically by their 12th grade English teacher. The student will read the 3 entries and submit their answers.

Learning Opportunity Objective
Read for literal, interpretive, and evaluative comprehension. Adapt and adjust active reading strategies.
Creative Writing Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Common Lit and Curve
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions

Student Instructions
Recreate the character of Smiley. This character should have two types of descriptions of characterization: direct and indirect. Using your five senses, explain the character of Smily in Modern Day terms: style of dress, speech, physical appearances, mental thoughts that your perception of Smiley would think. The total number of descriptors should be 20 to 25. You are not allowed to use Twain’s original descriptors.

Learning Opportunity Objective
11-12.W.TTP.3 Write narrative fiction or literary nonfiction to convey experiences and/or events using effective techniques, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.
Common Lit and Curve
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions

Student Instructions
Remember that audience is one of the biggest considerations for writers when penning their literary works. Based on your understanding of the short story, answer the question below. This short story brought Mark Twain national fame. Why do you think it was so popular with the American people?

Learning Opportunity Objective
11-12.W.TTP.3 Write narrative fiction or literary nonfiction to convey experiences and/or events using effective techniques, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.
Common Lit and Curve
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions

Student Instructions
Before logging on to CommonLit, locate the class access information on Curve under CommonLit Sign in under Major and Minor Assignments Grade Recovery. Respond to Discussion Question #2 after reading the selected material. How are different American regions and cultures depicted in the story? Consider the language of the narrator (from the east) vs. that of Wheeler (from the Midwest).

Learning Opportunity Objective
11-12.W.TTP.3 Write narrative fiction or literary nonfiction to convey experiences and/or events using effective techniques, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.
Advanced Creative Writing Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Common Lit and Curve

File Submission (if applicable)

Parent Instructions

Student Instructions
Read the poem “Ozymandias” Answer Discussion Question: How do we evaluate a leader’s legacy in history? In this poem, a sculptor set out to craft a lasting memory of Ozymandias by creating a statue. How are statues seen as an important part of our history and what does it mean to be honored with a statue?

Learning Opportunity Objective
11-12.W.TTP.3 Write narrative fiction or literary nonfiction to convey experiences and/or events using effective techniques, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.
Common Lit and Curve
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions

Student Instructions
In Shelley’s poem Ozymandias’ statue has the inscription, “Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!” yet there is nothing but sand and ruins. How much control do we have over how we are remembered in the future? What could Ozymandias have done while he lived that might’ve helped towards the preservation of his statue?

Learning Opportunity Objective
11-12.W.TTP.3 Write narrative fiction or literary nonfiction to convey experiences and/or events using effective techniques, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.
Common Lit and Curve
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions

Student Instructions
From what is indicated in Shelly’s poem, do you think Ozymandias was a great leader? What makes a great leader? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.

Learning Opportunity Objective
11-12.W.TTP.3 Write narrative fiction or literary nonfiction to convey experiences and/or events using effective techniques, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.
ELA RTI Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Please have your child download the attached document, complete it, and email their answers to their teacher.

Student Instructions
Students, download the attached document, read the article, and answer the questions. Once completed, please email your answers to questions 1 & 2 to your teacher using a word document.

Learning Opportunity Objective
The learner can identify sequence of events in a reading selection.

Please email your teacher @ [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Please have your child download the attached minor grade recovery opportunity, complete it, and email it to their teacher.

Student Instructions
Students, complete #1 & 2 (only) following the instructions provided. You can download the attached document, type directly on it, and submit it to your teacher once you have completed it.

Learning Opportunity Objective
The learning can demonstrate an understanding of sequence by describing events in sequence using their personal experiences.

Feel free to contact me via email @ [email protected].
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Please have your child download the attached minor grade recovery opportunity, complete it, and email it back to their teacher.

Student Instructions
Students, please read the passage and identify the missing sequence of events. You can download the document, type directly on it, and save it on your desktop. When you have completed it, please send it as an attachment to your teacher via email.

Learning Opportunity Objective
The learner can identify sequence of events.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to email me @ [email protected] .