3rd Grade

ELA Week 8
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
View the PDFs for your child to read and answer the questions. See comment section for an additional activity.
Student Instructions
Read the 2 articles "Spring Into Poetry" and "Hooray for Hummingbirds". Answer the questions at the end of each article.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will learn about 3 types of poetry: acrostic, haiku, and rhyming
After answering the questions, you may choose to create your own poem. Here is a fun suggestion: Create your own acrostic poem using the word S P R I N G, then go outside to enjoy the beautiful spring weather!
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Have your students listen to "Zombies Don't Eat Veggies!" written by Megan and Jorge Lacera through Storyline Online.
After listening to the story the students will answer a writing prompt.
Student Instructions
Listen to "Zombies Don't Eat Veggies!" written by Megan and Jorge Lacera through Storyline Online.
After listening to the story, you will write a recipe using proper sequence and grade appropriate sentence structure and spelling.
Be sure to include the ingredients and step by step process for creating your recipe.
You can use the attachment to help you with your process. To share your response, log into your SeeSaw through Clever and click the green plus sign to either take a picture of your work or add a note which will allow you to type and post your response to your teacher.
Learning Opportunity Objective
3.W.PDW.4 With guidance and support, produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Ask your child questions about their favorite book and the main characters to help them brainstorm ideas before writing.
Student Instructions
Write a narrative essay using the following prompt:
Imagine that you are the main character in your favorite book. Who would you be? Write about the adventures you would have.
Use descriptive vocabulary (describe what the character looks like, how they are feeling, what they are doing, etc). Include details from the book and add your own original adventures.
Learning Opportunity Objective
3.W.TTP.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using an effective technique, such as descriptive details and clear event sequences. A. Establish a situation by using a narrator, including characters, and organizing an event sequence that unfolds naturally.
Math Week 8
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Have your child play the interactive measurement game by clicking on the link. Choose the easy/medium level for inches.
Find 5 different size writing utensils to measure (markers, pens, pencils, crayons, etc).
Assist your child in measuring these items to the nearest 1⁄4 inch. Record data on a graph.
If you need some guidance, look at the PDF for a way to set up/draw the graph.
Feel free to upload your graph to Seesaw.
Student Instructions
Click on the link to play a game for measurement. Choose the easy/medium level for inches.
Find 5 different size writing utensils to measure (markers, pens, pencils, crayons, etc).
You are measuring these items to the nearest 1⁄4 inch.
Have a grown up help you read your ruler. Use your creativity to make a graph.
Record your data. If you need some guidance, click on the PDF for a way you can set it up.
Feel free to upload your graph to Seesaw for your teacher to view.
Learning Opportunity Objective
I can use a ruler to measure length in whole, half, and quarter inches.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Print or load pdf for students to complete.
Students may put their answers on their own paper.
The answer keys are attached.
They may skip questions 5, 6, 12,15, and 21 as they do not align with our standards.
Student Instructions
Complete the GoMath worksheets.
You may have your parents print them off or you can use your own paper.
You may submit them through Seesaw if you would like.
You may skip questions 5, 6, 12, 15, and 21.
Learning Opportunity Objective
3.OA.A.3 Multiply and divide within 100 to solve contextual problems, with unknowns in all positions, in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and the relationship between multiplication and division
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Use the study.com link to review measuring volume.
Option 1:
Your child can then log into their Clever account to access their app 3rd Grade Personal Math Trainer. Help them navigate to CHAPTER 10 ASSIGNMENTS: LESSON 10.7 (HOMEWORK) to assess their understanding of measuring volume.
Option 2:
Attached you will find a reteach/enrich activity that can be printed for further review/enrichment.
Student Instructions
Review using the Study.com Volume video.
Option 1:
1. Log into Clever.
5. Click on LESSON 10.7 (HOMEWORK).
6. Show your understanding of measuring volume by completing the activities.
Option 2:
Print the attached skill sheet. Have a parent check over it for accuracy.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects.
Science Week 8
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Have your child watch the Crash Course Kids video "What's an Engineer?"
Discuss that the engineering process is used by engineers to identify and solve problems.
Discuss that engineers define problems, plan and carry out investigations, analyze and interpret the data from those investigations, and design solutions based on the results.
After this, have your child view the PBS video titled, "Columns: Finding the strongest shape". Have your child follow the engineering process as the kids did in the PBS video to construct their own column that will hold a book.
After the engineering process is complete, discuss the questions from the Columns Discussion Questions document.
Student Instructions
Watch the Crash Course Kids video "What's an Engineer?"
Think about what an engineer does during the engineering process.
Watch the PBS video titled, "Columns: Finding the strongest shape".
Now it's your turn to use the engineering design process to create columns of your own. Experiment with different types of materials to see what works best.
Discuss the questions from the Columns Discussion Questions document with a parent, guardian, or sibling. What worked and what did not work? What could you do differently next time?
Learning Opportunity Objective
3ETS1.1 Design a solution to a real- world problem that includes specified criteria for constraints. 3.ETS.2 Apply evidence or research to support a design solution.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
You will need to create a free Flocabulary account if you have not already done so.
Your child will listen to the video “What is engineering”.
Option 1: Complete the Vocabulary Cards, Vocabulary Game, Read & Respond, Quiz, and the Lyric Lab.
Option 2: Write 3 facts you have learned.
Student Instructions
You will need to create a free Flocabulary account if you have not already done so.
You will listen to the video “What is engineering”.
Option 1: Complete the Vocabulary Cards, Vocabulary Game, Read & Respond, Quiz, and the Lyric Lab.
Option 2: Write 3 facts you have learned.
Learning Opportunity Objective
3.ESS3.2 – Design solutions to reduce the impact of natural hazards (fires, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods) on the environment.
3.ETS1.2 – Apply evidence or research to support a design solution.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
You will need to create a free Generation Genius account if you have not already done so.
1. Watch the video for Magnets and Static Electricity
2. Can complete the online quiz or paper quiz attached
3. Complete the DIY static electricity project together
Student Instructions
Have your parents help you log-in Generation Genius.
1. Watch the video for Magnets and Static Electricity.
2. Can complete the online quiz or paper quiz attached.
3. Complete the DIY static electricity project together.
Learning Opportunity Objective
3.PS2.1 Explain the cause and effect relationship of magnets.
Social Studies Week 8
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Log into your IXL account.
Select Social Studies.
Choose Fourth Grade.
Complete: A.1 Jamestown: the early years and A.2 Jamestown: growth of a colony
Student Instructions
Log into your IXL account.
Select Social Studies.
Choose Fourth Grade (It is a 3rd grade skill).
Complete: A.1 Jamestown: the early years and A.2 Jamestown: growth of a colony
Learning Opportunity Objective
SSP.02.1 Summarize significant ideas and relevant information about Jamestown.
MyOn and IXL
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Login to Clever.
Select MyOn.
Read the book "The Dish on Food and Farming in Colonial America."
On Page 5 of the book, your child will find a Map of the Thirteen Colonies.
Ask your child to create a chart with three columns.
At the top of the columns, label New England/ Middle/ and Southern.
List the 13 colonies under their appropriate heading.
Log into your IXL account.
Select Social Studies.
Choose Fourth Grade (It is a 3rd grade skill).
Complete A-10 Identify the Thirteen Colonies
Student Instructions
Login to Clever.
Select MyOn.
Read the book "The Dish on Food and Farming in Colonial America."
On Page 5 of the book, your child will find a Map of the Thirteen Colonies.
Ask your child to create a chart with three columns.
At the top of the columns, label New England/ Middle/ and Southern.
List the 13 colonies under their appropriate heading.
Log into your IXL account.
Select Social Studies.
Choose Fourth Grade
Complete A-10 Identify the Thirteen Colonies
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will identify the thirteen colonies.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Login to Clever.
Select Myon.
Read the book "School in Colonial America" by Shelly Swanson Sateren
Log into your IXL account.
Select Social Studies.
Choose Fourth Grade (It is a 3rd grade skill).
Complete A.7 Middle colonies: economy and society
Student Instructions
Login to Clever.
Select Myon.
Read the book "School in Colonial America" by Shelly Swanson Sateren

Log into your IXL account.
Select Social Studies.
Choose Fourth Grade (It is a 3rd grade skill).
Complete A.7 Middle colonies: economy and society
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will identify life on schools during colonial time.