3rd Grade

ELA Week 2
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Have your child listen to My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother by Patricia Polacco through Storyline Online.
Student Instructions
After listening to My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother, you will answer the following prompt on notebook paper.
Do you think Richard is a bully?
Use evidence to support your opinion. Be sure to include an introductory sentence stating your opinion, at least 3 details with proper transitions supporting your opinion, and a concluding sentence. Once your piece is complete, take a picture and upload it to SeeSaw to show your teacher what you think about Richard.
Learning Opportunity Objective
3.W.TTP.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons.
A Very Talented Lizard-Mixed Skill Review
Parent Instructions
Your student should read the passage, "A Very Talented Lizard", and answer the skill review questions.
Student Instructions
Read "A Very Talented Lizard" and answer the questions about the passage.
Learning Opportunity Objective
3.RI.KID.1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as a basis for the answers.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Log into your IXL account.
Select Language Arts.
Choose Third Grade.
Complete Theme B.1
Student Instructions
Log into your IXL account.
Select Language Arts.
Choose Third Grade.
Complete Theme B.1
Learning Opportunity Objective
Determine the themes of myths, fables, and folktales
Math Week 2
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Engage NY Grade 3 Module 7 Topic A Lesson 2
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Print or load pdf for students to complete. Please note the answer key is in the file.
- Instruction and Answer Keys: Pg. 1 - 6
- Worksheets: Pg. 7 - 12
Student Instructions
Complete the problem and homework sets.
Learning Opportunity Objective
I can solve 2 step word problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 3.OA.D.8 Solve two-step contextual problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding
This is the entire lesson including teacher plans, script and answer key to assist parents. It has fact fluency as well.
Moby Max Math on Clever
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Login to Clever
Select the green whale icon for Moby Max.
Select Math.
If your child has not used this before, it will prompt them to take a placement test first. The placement test can sometimes take awhile. You can do this over a period of several days.
After the placement test, there will be mini lessons and questions to answer at their individualized level. Students work at their own pace.
Student Instructions
Login to Clever
Select the green whale icon for Moby Max.
Select Math.
If you need to take the placement test, please do this first.
If you have already taken the placement test, spend 15 - 30 minutes on skills that it recommends for you.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will work on various math skills at their own pace.
Room Area Project
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Your student will need a measuring tape, and some assistance measuring the walls of their bedroom in feet (including the closet).
Student Instructions
Ask your parents for a measuring tape and some assistance. Measure the walls of a bedroom in feet (including the closet) in your house Round the measurement of the walls to the nearest foot. Draw a representation of your room and closet on a piece of paper. Make sure to include the measurements of each wall labeled on your model. Calculate the area of the room and the closet and then combine those areas together to get the total area. 
Learning Opportunity Objective
Optional Extension: visit either Home Depot’s or Lowe’s Website.
Choose a type of carpet. List the price per square foot (Rounded to the nearest dollar).
Use a calculator to determine how much money it would cost to put new carpet in your bedroom.
When you have completed the model with calculations shown, take a picture of the model and upload it to your SeeSaw journal. See the attached example (mine is digitally drawn, you can hand draw your model).
Science Week 2
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Log into your IXL account.
Select Science.
Choose Third Grade.
Complete Animals K
Student Instructions
Log into your IXL account.
Select Science.
Choose Third Grade.
Complete Animals K
Learning Opportunity Objective
3.LS1.1 – Analyze the internal and external structures that aquatic and land animals and plants have to support survival, growth behavior, and reproduction.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Your child will listen to the video “Food Chain” video.
If your school does not have an account, parents may need to create an account to complete the Vocabulary Cards, Vocabulary Game, Read & Respond, and Quiz.
Student Instructions
Log in to Flocabulary.com. Listen to the video “Food Chain”.
Option 1: Complete the Vocabulary Cards, Vocabulary Game, Read & Respond, Quiz, and the Lyric Lab.
Option 2: Write 3 facts you have learned.
Learning Opportunity Objective
3.LS4.1 – Explain the cause and effect relationship between a naturally changing environment and an organism’s ability to survive
3.LS2.1 – Construct an argument to explain why some animals benefit from forming groups.
Erosion and IXL
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Your student should read the passage about erosion. Then you can print the questions that go with the passage to be answered, or have them do it on paper.
Log into your IXL account.
Select Science.
Choose Third Grade.
Complete Earth Events U
Student Instructions
Your student should read the passage about erosion. Then you can print the questions that go with the passage to be answered, or have them do it on paper.

Log into your IXL account.
Select Science.
Choose Third Grade.
Complete Earth Events U
Learning Opportunity Objective
3.ESS3.1 I can explain how erosion slowly changes the Earth's surface.
Social Studies Week 2
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Login to Clever.
Select Myon
Read the books: "Into the West"  by Terry Collins and take the test for the book.
Ask your child if they can tell you more about the Louisiana Purchase. Look at page 25 of the book. What year did Tennessee become a state?
Student Instructions
Login to Clever.
Select Myon
Read the books: "Into the West"  by Terry Collins and take the test for the book.
Can you tell your parents more about the Louisiana Purchase? What year did Tennessee become a state?
Log into your IXL account.
Select Social Studies.
Choose Third Grade.
Complete: States B.1, B.2, and B.3 
Learning Opportunity Objective
I can describe the western expansion of the the United States. I can identify the western states.
Social Studies Weekly, Week 10
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Option 1 is a PDF version that you can read online or print and complete.

Option 2 is an interactive online version that uses Social Studies weekly by logging in with Clever
Student Instructions
Option 1: Use the PDF above to read and answer the question. You can complete the activities as well.

Option 2: Student will login into Clever with their Clever ID and password.
Select the Studies Weekly icon.
Make sure to select the 3rd Grade text.
Scroll down to "Week 10" and click Continue Reading.
You can read the text or listen to it as it reads it for you.
On the left-hand side under articles, select "U.S. Geography and Resources". Analyze the map and answer the questions that follow.
You can answer the questions and complete the activities. When you earn coins, you can earn game time.
Learning Opportunity Objective
3.09 Identify and locate the fifty states of the U.S.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Login to Clever.
Select Myon
In Myon, students should click on library and in the search box type “countries”.
Have them choose a book about a country they are interested in and read/listen to the book.
There will be a quiz at the end of the book for your student to complete.
They may re-read the book and re-take the quiz if needed to try to get at least 4 out of 5 questions correct for 80% accuracy.
Have them create a poster about the country with at least 4 facts and pictures about what they learned.
Student Instructions
Login to Clever.
Select Myon
In Myon, students should click on library and in the search box type “countries”.
Choose a country you are interested in and read/listen to the book.
Take the quiz at the end after you read the book.
You may re-read the book and re-take the quiz to try to get at least 4 out of 5 questions correct (80%).
Create a poster about the country with at least 4 facts and pictures about what you learned.
Learning Opportunity Objective
I can identify features of a country in my world.