4th Grade

ELA Week 3
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Parent Instructions
1. Log onto Clever. com. 2. Click on BrainPOP app. If you don't have the Brainpop app, you will need to create a free Brainpop account by following the directions at www.brainpop.com.
3. Click on Writing. 4. Click on "Types of Writing" movie. 5. Watch movie. 6. Take quiz. 7. Create a book or poster about the types of writing discussed in the movie. Give examples of the types of writing in your booklet or poster. You can also create a Powerpoint or Keynote on the types of writing. Take a picture of it and display on your class Seesaw page, if desired.
Student Instructions
1. Log onto Clever. com. 2. Click on BrainPOP app 3. Click on Writing. 4. Click on "Types of Writing" movie. 5. Watch movie. 6. Take quiz. 7. Create a book or poster about the types of writing discussed in the movie. Give examples of the types of writing in your booklet or poster. You can also create a Powerpoint or Keynote on the types of writing. Take a picture of it and display on your class Seesaw page, if desired.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students can review the types of writing.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
*You will need to create a free Brainpop account unless your child's school already has one. *Student will search for and watch the video titled "Main Idea". *Student will complete the HARD QUIZ shown under the video. *Student may also do any of the other activities that go a long with the video. *A PDF main idea table is also attached for students to create using a book of their choice if more practice is needed.
Student Instructions
Log into Brainpop Jr. *You will search for the video titled "Main Idea." *You will watch the video. *You will complete the HARD QUIZ below the video. *You may also complete any of the other activities listed under the video. *Print out and complete the main idea table with a book of your choice for extra practice.
Learning Opportunity Objective
4.RI.KID.2 Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize a text.
Parent Instructions
Parents, Please review the instructions at the top of the sheet with your child. After reading the passage, the student should begin completing the chart at the bottom of the page. Encourage your child to use context clues in the passage. For example, what clues in the passage tells us what disagreeable-looking might mean? The hint in the passage is that she had a sour expression, which shows that the author is describing her appearance as "ugly." Once your child has completed the assignment, you may check over his/her work with the included answer key.
Student Instructions
Read the excerpt from "The Secret Garden." Pay special attention to the underlined words. Complete the grid at the bottom of the page. Use context clues to find the meaning of these words.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will use context clues from a given passage to find the meaning of unknown words.
Math Week 3
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
This math resource is designed to help your 4th grader review and practice the steps of adding and subtracting mixed numbers to find solutions. Student may watch the two review video options: Study Jams and LearnZillion. Both links provided are to free resources to review the steps for adding and subtracting mixed numbers. Tap on the attached PDF to download and complete for practice. An answer key is included to help your child check their work for accuracy.
Student Instructions
Watch the videos to review the steps for adding and subtracting mixed numbers. Then complete the practice problems on the PDF page. Check your answers to see if you were accurate. For a fun challenge: Choose an extra project idea to share what you know about adding and subtracting mixed numbers.
Learning Opportunity Objective
This math resource is designed to help your 4th grader review and practice the steps of adding and subtracting mixed numbers to find solutions.
Printing the PDF is optional. Students can easily take a screenshot of the problems and simply use paper and pencil to answer the tasks.
PDF file is attached below.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Click on the pdf file. This is a cumulative review of math skills that have been previously taught. Answer document is attached. Answer key is included.
Student Instructions
Students can complete at their own pace.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will review previous skills that have been taught throughout the year.
PDF file is attached below.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Print PDF for student to complete.
Student Instructions

Complete the worksheet.

Learning Opportunity Objective
I can measure objects with appropriate metric units.
Standard: 4.MD.A.1 Measure and estimate to determine relative sizes of measurement units within a single system of measurement involving length, liquid volume, and mass/weight of objects using customary and metric units.
Science Week 3
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Studies Weekly Week 3-Matter Changes: Write about your changes in your life after reading Week 3.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Talk with your child about matter and changes in matter. Look for and show your child a series of before/after primary sources that demonstrate changed matter. If actual objects are not available, show pictures or Internet images. Talk with your child about which type of change each shows (phase, physical, chemical). Look for Things or Items like: the water cycle-(mirror after hot water). ; sheet of paper/torn paper/origami animal; bicycle/rusted bike; sun/aurora borealis (Northern Lights)/plasma screen TV. Discuss with your child how matter can change. Encourage your child to read Studies Weekly Science Week 3.
Student Instructions
If you have access to Science Weekly through Clever, you may log in that way. If not, click on the attached PDF for this week's lesson- Week 3. Read Matter Changes Fun Activities to do for the week: Write about changes to yourselves. (Remember you are made of matter.) Examples: a timeline of images, as a Science Notebook reflection or as a digital project. Suggested categories are, “Baby Me,” “Kindergarten Me,” etc., or they could categorize changes as “Reversible Changes” (hair cut short/long), and “Irreversible Changes” (can’t be any younger, shorter, etc.). Students can record idea lists and then write a short summary, along with their predictions for future changes. Upload your changes, timeline, or story to Seesaw if you would like to.
Learning Opportunity Objective
I can find changes in matter in my home. I can describe the changes in matter and name the states of matter.
Questions to ask yourself: • What is the melting point of matter? • What is the freezing point of water? • Is the freezing point the same for all liquids? • How does your body continually perform chemical changes? Lesson Suggestions or Ideas while reading: Look for the“States of Matter Rap” video from www.edpuzzle.com. --While watching look carefully at the shirts the rappers are wearing and to watch how the rappers are moving around.
Parent Instructions
Students should be able to access Brainpop through Clever.com. If you have any trouble accessing through Clever, go to https://brainpop.com/ and register for free access.
Student Instructions
Login to Brainpop and search Kinetic Energy in the search box.A link to the video is also attached above under Resources. After you watch the video, complete the worksheet and the quiz activities.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will complete the video and activities to review kinetic energy.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. https://www.brainpop.com 2. If your child's school doesn't have a code through clever, then click on "Make Any room a Classroom, Get Free Access" to create a FREE at home account. 3. Students should search photosynthesis, and watch the video that pulls up. 4. Take the Quiz that follows the video. (Graded and/or Review) 5. Using the information just reviewed in the video, Complete the attached pdf on the Process of Photosynthesis. **If you want something extra: Students have several options that will follow the quiz: -Related Reading -Games -Vocabulary (The student may pick one or choose to complete all of these if they'd like.)
Student Instructions
1. Login on BrainPop. 2.. Search photosynthesis, and watch the video that pulls up. 3. Take the Quiz that follows the video. (Graded and/or Review) 4. Using the information just reviewed in the video, Complete the attached pdf on the Process of Photosynthesis.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Social Studies Week 3
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Parent Instructions
Working Online: Have students click on the link to read the passage about Ft. Sumter. Then have students drag the information into the "Fact" or "Fiction" boxes. Working on Paper: Print out the PDF passage about Ft. Sumter. Have students complete the Fact or Fiction Checklist. There is an answer key provided.
Student Instructions
Read the passage about the Battle of Ft. Sumter. After reading the passage, complete the Fact or Fiction activity. You will sort information as "Fact" or "Fiction", based on evidence from the passage.
Learning Opportunity Objective
4.29 - Evaluate the significance of the Battle of Fort Sumter and the impact it had on secession.
PDF link
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Parents, you may have the student use notebook paper or you may print off the sheets. The answer key has been attached as well.
Student Instructions
Students, you may use notebook paper or you may print off the sheets.
Learning Opportunity Objective
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Students should read the attached pdf on Abraham Lincoln. 2. Students should complete the problems that follow the article. Please encourage them to go back into the text to prove his/her answer choice by either highlighting or underlining the evidence that backs up their choice. 3. Students should watch the short Library of Congress video about what was found in Lincoln’s pockets: https://www.loc.gov/item/myloc16/ 4. Student can either have a discussion with an adult to answer the following or simply write them at the bottom of their other assignment.: What was your favorite thing in his pocket? What surprised you?
Student Instructions
1. Read the attached pdf on Abraham Lincoln, then complete the problems that follow the article. Remember to go back into the text to prove your answer choice by either highlighting or underlining the evidence that backs up your choice. 2. Watch the short video about what was found in Lincoln’s pockets at this link: https://www.loc.gov/item/myloc16/ 3. The, either have a discussion with an adult to answer the following or simply write your answer at the bottom of their other assignment. What was your favorite thing in his pocket? What surprised you?
Learning Opportunity Objective
Significance of Lincoln in the Civil War/Emancipation Proclomation